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Thrackan's name is frequently misspelled as "Thracken," even in official sources, such as Cracken's Threat Dossier and the back cover of the Assault at Selonia paperback.

As a private man, Organa was also a loving husband to his wife Breha, whom he called "my dove." During the time of the Republic, his Senatorial duties kept him away from Alderaan, and Bail Organa could rarely spend much time with his wife in Aldera. Although he qualified himself as a "neglectful husband", he paid the

Bail Organa was a tall, dark-haired Human with tan skin and brown eyes, whose traits were regarded as aesthetically pleasing by other members of his species.

He then noticed the fields had grown strangely quiet, and were subsequently confronted by a group of Ukians wielding scythes and pitchforks.

Black holes typically resulted from the supernova of extremely large stars (typically supergiants), which resulted in matter so heavy that they could push into the fabric of space, though some were thought to have been created in the initial moments of the formation of the universe. One section of the black hole was

During much of his career, he was considered more ruthless than Boba Fett himself, and usually performed assassinations rather than live captures.

After hatching, Bossk devoured each of his unhatched siblings, which made his father proud.

"All right boys, let's pull the hammer back and cock this sodder!"
Master Chief Petty Officer Tenn Graneet

"It's kind of like Episode IV — it's funny and there's action, but it's [a] lot more talky. It's more of what I would call a soap opera with a bunch of personal dramas in it. It's not really based on action-adventure films from the '30s — it's actually more based on film noir movies from the '40s!"
―George Lucas, Total

A jetpack offered a great degree of mobility in the air, though often at the personal risk of the user.

Snakes, also slitherettes, were lengthy, limbless serpents.

It was a necessary and inevitable part of existence.

In most species, the eye worked by directing light onto the optic nerve by means of a lens, and was protected by an eyelid designed to remove foreign objects and shade against bright lights.

Born Lumpawarrump in 1 BBY and known as Lumpy throughout his youth, he was raised by his mother Mallatobuck and his grandfather Attichitcuk while Chewbacca served a life debt to and traveled the galaxy with the Human smugglerHan Solo.

On April 25, 2014, after a year of ownership by the Walt Disney Company, a press release confirmed that the films of the sequel trilogy would not adhere to the post–Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe, with further comments from LucasBooks Senior Editor Jennifer Heddle confirming that the EU as a whole

While Chewbacca and the Corellian traveled the stars aboard the starship Millennium Falcon, Attichitcuk remained on Kashyyyk and helped Mallatobuck rear the infant Lumpy. Together, Attichitcuk and his daughter-in-law allowed the pup to stay close to the nursery ring and the home tree.

The Beast Riders had risen up against the dark side-worshiping city-dwellers, who were led by the sorceress-Queen Amanoa, whose own power stemmed from the memory of the deceased Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd. Refusing to be enslaved by the power of the Sith, Kurt and his fellow Beast Riders united under the

Some performances, particularly Davis's, and the special effects were praised, but the film's story was widely dismissed as too derivative of Tolkien and other fantasy authors.

A common misconception is that "poodoo" refers to a bantha's feces.

Although they had no established culture, Kowakian monkey-lizards were quite intelligent, and despite their silly, cruel nature, they were considered sentient by many sentientologists in the galaxy, although there was much debate over that designation.