Reposted Wookieepedia

As no official name has been given to these creatures, they are conjecturally named for their simian-like appearance.

In real life, the words "ape" and "monkey" cannot be used interchangeably; the former describes a class of large and tailless primates, while the latter refers to smaller creatures having a tail and cheek pouches, among other differences. In Star Wars literature, however, the two names have been used alternatively—the

Choices of One is a novel by Timothy Zahn, released on July 19, 2011.

This conviction was often proven correct since his vast knowledge and obsession with the analytical study of art resulted in almost infallible strategic victories over nearly every opponent Thrawn engaged.

He had less respect for other Imperial officers, however, particularly Gilad Pellaeon, who Rukh took enjoyment out of sneaking up on and startling whenever the captain sought an audience with Thrawn.

Greek letter names are frequently used both in real life and in science fiction to designate ships, technology, constellations etc.

Doreenian ambergris was a heady perfume.

Desevro was defeated by Xim the Despot, and its janissaries joined Xim's armies and helped ravage planets, stripping them of life and wealth, before Xim was finally stopped at the Third Battle of Vontor.

After the Yuuzhan Vong War, chocolate became a rarity, because the Yuuzhan Vong had re-shaped seven of the eight planets that were home to the plant that produced the pods that were used to make it.

These "red spiders" were found to be herbivorous, feeding on the giant fungi found in the lower reaches of Kessel's spice mines. These red spiders had a poisonous effect on baseline energy spiders, allowing the two to coexist. Genetically, the two different types could even mate, though no documentation of the act nor

We Are Made of Suffering is a short story that was published in the Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook.

The rear wing of the building was the mayoral residence, with its own shuttlepad.

"Manny Both-Hanz died to bring us this information."
- Mon Mothma

Water was a vital commodity for many life forms, while for other species it was poisonous.

Minimal is maximal was a phrase used by dress makers. It was best to persuade dissident people to at least try a dress.

The walls were lined with a pink, plush material.

Rouge and her sisters hired deportment teachers to tutor young Leia, wishing to make a "proper" princess out of their tombyish niece, including the redoubtable Madame Vesta, headmistress of Alderaan Select Academy for Young Ladies.

The Bothans were famously credited with acquiring intelligence about the location of and Emperor Palpatine's presence aboard the second Death Star during the Battle of Korriban, enabling the Rebel Allianceto destroy the battlestation.

The various impasses reached by the orthodox Jedi and the defectors led to several wars, including the Hundred-Year Darkness, after which the defectors were exiled and founded the Sith Empire.

Following the public revelation of her parentage, Organa was disgraced in the eyes of the Senate. She was forced to resign shortly thereafter.