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This article is about cannons in canon. You may be looking for the out-of-universe term, canon.

Caffeine was a stimulant included in certain beverages. Caf, or coffee, contained a fair amount of this stimulant and thus it was not recommended to be drunk late at night.

In the Senate of the Galactic Republic, a Vote of No Confidence was a voting process in which senators removed the Supreme Chancellor from office due to a lack of majority support.

Dern was a money driven person, a trait common in many Czerka employees.

The design of Tamtel Skreej was based on the late Mexican comedian Gaspar Enaine also known as "Capulina".

When Kenobi entered Chalmun's Cantina, BoShek was aware of a strong presence in the Force that he associated with Kenobi, though he may have in fact sensed Luke Skywalker, who was untrained but had an extremely high level of latent power. BoShek later attempted a mind trick to escape from a stormtrooper checkpoint,

Clotheslegging was an illicit smuggling activity.

* In Mario and Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story, after Bowser has defeated Dark Fawful, and Starlow (called Chippy) talks to Bowser about Fawful having some of the Dark Star's Dark Power, one of Starlows lines to Bowser are "Ooh… I have a bad feeling about this".

Sleep was a biological process engaged in by many beings, both sentient and non-sentient, such as humans for the purpose of rest and rejuvenation. Sentient beings that slept generally did so according to a set routine and often utilized a comfortable piece of furniture, such as a bed, for the purpose.

The game's trademark was the appearance of the characters: in similar style to Mario Kart for the Nintendo 64, the characters all had oversized heads and piloted shrunken vehicles.

Some restrooms contained sonics, which could be used in the absence of water.

Realtime News was a HoloNet news agency.

BoShek was a man who preferred to live in the moment, making the most of his present circumstances rather than worrying about the future. He also preferred to stay uninvolved in the civil war that was shaking the galaxy—though he sympathized with the Rebel Alliance and disliked the Empire, he did not consider it his

Drexel II, also called the "Waterworld of Drexel," lacked a proper name.

Brown (Grey eyebrows)

"He doesn't like you."

A few months following the Battle of Yavin, Danson filed a report regarding the possible threat of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.

"At the Mos Eisley Cantina, everybody knows his name."
-Major Derlin's Decipher trading card

Soon after, his career exploded with his role as 'Cliff Clavin' in Cheers and, later, in all of the Pixar animated movies.

* Ohta su marvalic plesodoro 'Let them marvel at our splendor' (Jabba's favorite expression)