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Types of fruit included blumfruit, shuura, meiloorun and muja fruit.

It tasted good on its own, but when mixed with the taste of bluefruit jam, it was said to be able to induce a sand cat to gag.

Like all refined namana products, it produced a euphoric feeling and was addictive.

"You aren't gonna say you have a bad feeling about this, are you? I hate it when you say that."

Where Science Meets… Fun! is an article discussing Uncle Milton's new line of educational science and nature toys with Star Wars themes written by Chris Spitale and published in Star Wars Insider 112.

BB-8 doing a thumbs-up with his lighter.

The Bynarrian jig was a kind of dance performed on Dellalt by Badure while he was looking for the Queen of Ranroon in the company of Han Solo and his comrades.

Silence was a prospecting town that was located on the planet Nyriaan.

Eventually leaving the Empire, Lobot formed a friendship with the smuggler Lando Calrissian, owner of the Millennium Falcon, and Chanath Cha, a bounty hunter. They remained friends for years, and Lobot and Cha fell in love. Nonetheless, Calrissian and Cha went separate ways, and Lobot chose to remain with Lando.

In his role as constable and head of Nima Outpost's militia, Zuvio had a strong sense of justice and could not be bribed.

Nines fought against Finn, who wielded a Jedi lightsaber, by utilizing a Z6 riot control baton. Nines gained the upper hand against Finn in single combat and nearly struck a blow against the defector, but was shot by Han Solo, who used Chewbacca's bowcaster, thus ending the fight and wounding FN-2199.

The line she quotes in the episode in response to an order ("By your command") is a classic Battlestar Galactica line often uttered by Cylons.

"This is not a job or an assignment. It is a seat at a campfire, surrounded by an extraordinary group of storytellers, filmmakers, artists and craftspeople. We've been charged with telling new stories for a younger generation because they deserve what we all had—a mythology to call their own. We will do this by

Melanesians, for example, having witnessed the massive wartime influx of war materiel from both American and Japanese forces, lit signal fires after the end of the war to illuminate abandoned runways, believing they could compel the return of the foreigners' manufactured goods.

A spider-rat was a species of multi-legged rodent.

The project was dragged out over a nineteen year time period as labour union disputes along with the supply and design problems slowed the construction.

"She's notta really my type, a face only a mother could love, eh?"

This article referred to a picture of Tenel Ka and mistook it for Kirana Ti.

Amy was a human female who paired up with a loved one during the Ewok Festival of Love.

The Cult of the Power Droids was a religious sect solicited by rogue GNK power droids.