Reposted Wookieepedia

The Chihuahua was a chihuahua dog fighting the dark side around the time of the Battle of Naboo to free the tacos.

"Any Battle Droid messing with the Colonel had better watch out, because this time, he's serving up a bucket full of pain."

The music ball was a small, silver sphere that played music when shaken.

Zot's name is misspelled in the name of the law firm as "Effervesence".

The Human heroine known only as the Pizza Hut Girl was a slicer and martial arts expert from around the time of the Battle of Naboo.

The Simple Truth was a bounty hunter guild that was active during the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic.

The mucus tree was a slime dripping tree that was displayed on Coruscant, in the Skydome Botanical Gardens.

A Hutt's skin was perhaps its greatest defense as the epidermis was able to resist all but the most corrosive of chemical substances. Furthermore oil and mucus sweat made a Hutt difficult to grasp as its body was slippery to hold. Should anyone manage to grab hold of the body or manage to puncture the skin, heavy

* Coruscanti accent—as exemplified by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine, and Dooku. Most inhabitants of the Core Worlds, such as Mon Mothma, also spoke in this manner, whereas those from farther reaches did not, such as Padmé Amidala (Naboo), Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), and Leia Organa (Alderaan). In several instances, though,

It was a stand-alone adventure and was written by Russell Foubert and Sean Yo and edited by Ron Heintz and Margaret Heintz.

Gary was an individual who, at one point prior to 22 BBY, had received a pin-up of a voluptuous feminine Hutt.

One of their less endearing traits was their near-constant production of saliva. This saliva served as a digestive aid which helped them break down tough vegetation. However, they often left large pools of saliva on the ground as they fed. Bergruutfa handlers were used to this trait, but people unused to the beasts

In the original UK release of The Han Solo Adventures, Bollux was renamed Zollux, as the original term is homophonous with a colloquial term for the word "testicles" in British English, despite having an alternate spelling. In The New Essential Guide to Droids, Zollux was established to be an alias Bollux sometimes

In a 2014 Reddit Ask Me Anything, Harrison Ford replied to the question about who shot first with "I don't know and I don't care." One year prior, Chewbacca portrayer Peter Mayhew responded with "Uughghhhgh uughghhhgh huuguughghg."

Some time after the release of Return of the Jedi, George Lucas had the idea for a "one-hour television special dealing with the Ewoks".

That was a gun? From naughty Threepio to autographed chase cards, Topps has put out enough Star Wars trading cards to make Pikachu jealous.

Prolonged use of this tactic was physically and mentally challenging, but as was the case during the Bacta War, it ultimately proved to be worthwhile.

* Yun yum di goot - It is very good/tasty

Cloning remained essential to the Imperial Military, although the introduction of birth-born recruits into the ranks of the Stormtrooper Corps gradually reduced clone soldiers to a minority status.

The official recipe for Wookiee-ookiees was given in the 1998 book The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookiee Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes, except the name was slightly altered for Human use as "wookiee cookiees."