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Jaina had recently tinkered with the droid, adding a humor protocol to its abilities, giving him the name "Rowdy". She did not exactly enjoy Rowdy's humor, comparing it to the jokes her late brother, Jacen, had told in their childhood.

A week is a length of time greater than one day, but less than one month. Typically, a week is made of multiple days, and multiple weeks make up one month.

Note that Life Day most likely was originally intended as a stand-in for the American holiday of Thanksgiving, as The Holiday Special was originally aired on November 17, the Friday before Thanksgiving that year. However, over time the term "holiday special" has caused most fans to misinterpret Life Day as a stand-in

Aside from the obvious physical advantages in combat, the Stormtrooper armor also acted as a form of psychological warfare: The armor is deliberately designed to be without distinctions to ensure that foes and general citizens alike only saw a united and implacable face, lowering the morale of the former during combat

Comics have been an important part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe since July, 1977.

Several other clones were killed on impact, while Crazy Legs was wounded, breaking his right leg and hurting his left arm.

Anger was one of five Force Priestesses who had sustained there consciousness in the force after death and dwelt on the Force planet.

Party Poster was a poster available in the galaxy sometime after theBattle of Yavin, during the Galactic Civil War. The poster had a non-realistic image of a long-haired individual lifting up both hands while looking upward. Written on the poster in Aurebesh characters were the words "Uhl Eharl Khoehng," which meant

A comic book is a magazine or book containing the sequential art form of comics. Comic books are often called comics, especially in the U.K. Although the term implies otherwise, the subject matter in comic books is not necessarily humorous, nor does it refer to short comic strips (like Peanuts or Dilbert). In fact,

On the album he was credited as Jon Bongiovi.

The outfit was lined with leather so it would not chafe Fisher's body.

The Bitter End was a frozen plain in the Icefall Plains on Hoth.

A clerk was a profession. Clerks were responsible for general office or sale-related tasks.

The song was later referenced in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, when Zaalbar says "«Wookiees do not brush their teeth, Mission! It… It just isn't done! What humiliation will you use on me next? A comb?»", in response to Mission's suggestion that he get groomed.

"We had a song, which will probably be changed because it was a little bit disco and I can't stand disco. I think it's awful and George isn't wild about it either."―Richard Marquand on "Lapti Nek"

Star Wars Insider 89 noted the irony of what is essentially a workout song being "performed with gusto for the morbidly obese Jabba." However, this description mischaracterizes Jabba's physique, which is fairly typical of a Hutt.

Although his performance in both films was met with mixed reviews, he became very popular, being named in People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People", "50 Hottest Bachelors" and Teen People Magazine's "25 Hottest Stars under 25", and also was named in a local Singapore magazine as "Prettiest Villain". For both

They were generally automated.

Venthan Chassu's Selonian nude studies was an artwork of Selonian observations said to capture both their form and their privacy.

Differences of Opinion was a short story published in The Last Command Sourcebook.