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Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids were first mentioned in the role-playing book Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, written by Simon Smith and Eric S. Trautmann and published in 1993 by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was later mentioned on a shirt in the short story Fists of Ion, available

Obi-Wan Kenobi was said to have a Coruscanti accent, as did some Imperial officers.

Thirty years after the Rebel Alliance's victory over the second Death Star, the galaxy is still at war. A New Republic has arisen, but the First Order has sprung from the ashes of the Galactic Empire. Many of the heroes of before, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO are all still active and fighting in

Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids was an underground musical group. Named after the Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett, andassassin droids, the band played on the planet Adarlon during the Galactic Civil War. Even though they lacked any real musical talent, they obtained a number of followers among non-Human

It was also destroyed later on.

Jedi Battle Beyond the Stars was a holovid in the Jedi Action genre. During the Clone Wars, the Zabrak Jedi Knight Nek Lawsirk rented it from Hedrett Holovid, a holovid shop that was located in Hedrett, on Cularin.

Tertiary Wife was the title given to a wife of a Zelosian that was presumably not primary. Feelah Derin was the Tertiary Wife of First Counselor Nagat Keris Ratua.

Billy Dee Williams: An Eclectic Career is an article which appeared in Star Wars Insider 58.

The First abomination was a Yuuzhan Vong term for the worst sin in their eyes: the creation of fire through technology.

The fedora was a type of hat in the galaxy. Though fedoras were typically colored brown, they could come in a wide variety of hues.

With the discarding of the Expanded Universe on April 25th, 2014, Star Wars: The Old Republic is the only remaining source that continues to produce "Legends" information aside from the official Star Wars Blog.

Ori'haat - "It's the truth, I swear-no bull."

K'Kruhk was seen, on many occasions, wearing a large hat.

Environmental microbiologists worked in the field of environmental microbiology and studied microbial processes in the environment.

This might be the reason why Tuskens from time to time succeeded in raiding a Jawa sandcrawler.

Soon, the vessels started to play large roles in Jawa society. One of the most important days for most Jawas was the annual meeting of all sandcrawlers.

Although Jedi were not required to be chaste as well, many Jedi were abstinent if not outright celibate, due to sex being considered self-indulgence and an unnecessary act.

While wandering the galaxy, Darth Traya would refine her beliefs, eventually coming to view the Force as being a sort of uncaring, insidious god that used the lives of sentients as pawns in a pernicious game of balance. This, she thought, was evidenced by the widespread occurrences of destruction and death that had

Des, as he was nicknamed, was often bullied by his father and the other miners. Hurst blamed his son for the death of his wife, who had perished during childbirth. Hurst also took to blaming Dessel for his own miserable life on Apatros, and considered his son to be the bane of his existence—so much so that he took to

It is currently being developed into a full, working language by author Karen Traviss; a common practice among the caretakers of fictional universes (see Quenya and Klingon), but never before attempted for Star Wars in an official capacity.