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* oink - a deadly insult that might start a war

This category is for people who have somehow influenced Star Wars continuity or culture, yet are not employed to do so.

Pellaeon regarded the fleet as the closest thing he had to family, his son Mynar Devis being unacknowledged.

The Crystal Star has often been recognized among fans of Star Wars as "the worst Star Wars novel ever"; as such, Waru has become something of a satirical cult icon because of The Crystal Star's infamy and has garnered a following among fans, much like K'Kruhk's "Freakin' Sweet" Hat or the status of Kyle Katarn.

Several of Karen Traviss' works have stirred considerable controversy, namely, the "3 Million Clones" debate. Books by her give the Grand Army of the Republic's numbers at 3 million clones; this was seen as both impossibly low to protect the Republic's membership of just under 1.3 million planets (meaning 2.3 clones

The droid also had a peculiar and perverted idea of the concept of love, which he described as "making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope." He further mused that love was a matter of odds and found it odd that although most "meatbags" could not make

Since most of the people Lowbacca would have to interact with were not fluent in Shyriiwook, the Wookiee trade language, he used a small translator droid that he carried at his waist named Em Teedee. Later in 24 ABY it was modified to hover, and followed him around flying.

Rukh cared passionately about Noghri culture and customs. This is why he served the Empire with such fierce loyalty when he believed they were allies of the Noghri, and why he despised them with such fervor upon learning they were actually secretly enslaving the species.

She attempted to instill a sense of family values in her young son, but he remained too rambunctious for her to control.

For example, Yuuzhan Vong typically lacked kidneys.

According to the story, Luuke was secretly selected by Grand Admiral Thrawn to take Luke Skywalker's place among the New Republic hierarchy, and during Mara Jade's duel against Luuke on Mountain Tantiss in The Last Command, the former Emperor's Hand inadvertently killed the real Luke Skywalker and Luuke subquently

The Silly Rabbit constellation was a constellation of the Mid Rim that was home to the Coachelle system.

Thrawn boosted the morale of his crew not only through victories, but also through his clear dedication to the Empire. Officers and crewmen serving under Thrawn admired his lack of concern for personal glory, wanting only the defeat of the Empire's enemies and the establishment of order. It was later postulated that

Thrawn was portrayed by various actors in audio-visual Star Wars materials. A CGI-based Thrawn was made using Timothy Zahn's likeness for Thrawn's depiction in the Reflections II: Expanding the Galaxy expansion for the CCG by Decipher. Thrawn is voiced by Tim Russell in the audio drama of Dark Forces: Soldier for the

On April 25, 2014, a press release confirmed that the films of the sequel trilogy would not adhere to the post–Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe, with further comments from LucasBooks Senior Editor Jennifer Heddle confirming that the EU as a whole is no longer considered canon. The EU has been

In this form of government decisions were made by a vote of the people, though in some cases representatives might be elected to conduct a democratic vote of such issues.

A peculiar form of "attack" among the females, and some of the males, during mating season was their spitting ability. Tauntauns would spit at each other's eyes with surprising accuracy. While their saliva was by no means deadly, it was quite inconvenient to have any liquid freeze near their eyes in Hoth's blizzards.

The development team also wanted to create a story that would pull the player into seriously thinking about the difference between using the Force for good and evil and the consequences of those actions.

Revan grew a beard during the search for the Star Forge, though when he shaved it off shortly after the Battle of Rakata Prime, he was able to pass unrecognised through throngs of people on Coruscanf.

Harvey was a male Mon Calamari who was paired up with a loved one during the Ewok Festival of Love.