Reposted Wookieepedia

This individual was of a walrus-like species.

Despite his radical combat style, and easy-going nature, Fisto was surprisingly conservative on the matter of galactic politics.

However, Maul managed to survive his defeat at the hands of Kenobi. Through his hate and will to live, as well as his hatred against Kenobi, he reached out with the Force and grabbed an air vent. He went down the reactor shaft and landed in water. The Sith Lord was then dumped into a container, which was taken to

Wedge Antilles was a male Human who had fair skin, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. As an adult, he stood 1.7 meters tall and massed seventy-seven kilograms. As a child, he killed the pirates responsible for his parents' deaths, and afterward felt that he had been immediately thrust into maturity and could no longer

A native of the Bestine system, Porkins was a champion T-16 skyhopper pilot on his homeworld ofBestine IV. During his youth, he spent many years hunting sink crabs on the world's rocky islands.

While at Cloud City EV-9D9 added to herself a third eye just next to her left eye, which could "see" the droid equivalent of pain, which manifested as jumbled, incoherent signals. She had a pain simulator and a sadomasochistic personality, which was caused by an accidentally installed MDF motivator, taking great

As he was the smallest of five younglings, his mother feared that he would waste away. As a consequence, Phantele spent his younger years in the pursuit of food. Eventually, he ended up working in a flanth house, where he payed for his dinner every night.

Arriving there with no means of survival—no money, job, or home—the young Lobot was arrested by the Bespin Wing Guard for stealing and convicted of the crime. However, he requested that the Baroness Administrator Ellisa Shallence preside over his case. Seeing potential in the young vagabond, Ellisa sentenced Lobot to

Momship was a term used by the Squibs to refer to the personal vessel of the Squib king. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Momship was the needle ship Thrifty, which served the current King, Ebareebaveebeedee.

"Swoop jockeys have the brains of a blister gnat—and about the same life expectancy."―Han Solo

Area Film Satirized—Star Wars in the Onion was an article published within Star Wars Insider 52 in early 2001.

Hatred was a dark emotion and an involuntary exertion of Force power that allowed a Force-user to fully embrace the dark side, letting their hate radiate from their body in palpable waves.

The Franchise owned all rights to broadcasts and merchandise based on the duels.

After the release of The Dark Nest Trilogy, George Lucas declared that no more Wookiee Jedi could be made in the Expanded Universe.

A native of Naboo, Sio Bibble spent much of his adult life teaching philosophy at one of the planet's foremost universities.

They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge.

The Gentleman Caller was an Corellian runabout owned by Tendra Risant Calrissian.

Unsurprisingly for an attraction at Tokyo Disneyland, the Tokyo version of Star Tours features speech in Japanese.

In the time of greatest despair,
a child shall be born
who will destroy the Sith
and bring balance to the Force.

A napkin wipe was a cloth used to wipe clean noses.