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The Hairy Savages were primitive, violent, semi-sentient, predatory humanoids indigenous to Kuras III.

A N'zothian milk bath was a type of bath that originated on the planet N'zoth. Moff Tyrak took regular milk baths, believing that it was the only thing that his skin could tolerate.

Mandalorian cubism was an art movement from the planet Mandalore which underwent a popularity resurgence during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The individual who came to be known as Kylo Ren was born some time after the Battle of Endor.

Skywalker was known to be alive approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor.

While all beings possessed, to some degree, a natural fear of death, as an undesirable and inevitable yet permanent condition, the Jedi, guided by the Jedi Code, learned to view death not as a tragedy, but merely as a part of the life cycle.

Cancer was a disease that could be fatal to Humans.

During the Galactic Civil War, many male officers of the Galactic Empire would grow long sideburns (as exemplified by Mordamin Bast or Pol Treidum).

Social practices set gender roles that expected those that identified as male to behave in certain ways, wear certain clothing, and style their hair in a way that was considered "masculine" in order to further differentiate that gender from the females of the species.

It profiled Lucasfilm's Rick McCallum, executive producer of the 1997 Star Wars Special Edition.

"I like some things about you. I like the way your pants fit."
- Leia Organa to Han Solo

A kilt was a piece of fabric worn around the waist, typically knee-length, that acted as a covering for the genitals and lower extremities.

The name Agincourt is an unusual choice for a ship in the Star Wars Universe.

In 1978, Arthur was invited to appear on The Star Wars Holiday Special, a Christmas-themed variety show set in the Star Wars universe that was attempting to capitalise off the success of the wildly popular film of the previous year, Star Wars. Arthur played Ackmena, a gruff bartender at the Mos Eisley Cantina whose

Arthur's family moved to Los Angeles, and Maude premiered on CBS in the fall of 1972. Throughout its six year run, it dealt with such controversial issues as women's liberation, alcoholism, and abortion. It was Findlay herself who decided to have an abortion while in the midst of a late-life pregnancy. The episode in

In that Correllian community, the sheriff wore a wide-brimmed hat and a poncho adorned with a star-shaped badge.

A fedora is a hat of archeological significance.

Speciecide, also known as "strategic extinctions" or "genocide," was the systematic genocide of an entire species.

His humanoid female fetish was also implied by close Hutt associates of Jabba to not be a typical Hutt trait.

Truth was the bounty hunter Justice's "pet."