Reposted Wookieepedia

Peyton Swole was a male who served as the Director of Galactic Relations for The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania during the Galactic War.

As an adult, Fett was very puritanical, and claimed he had not so much as held a woman in his arms, possibly as a result of his failed marriage.

Wagyx = ass

Alien was a Humanocentric biological—and sometimes political—term to describe a sentient species or a person of a species other than a Human or near-Human.

On April 1, 2006, updated its databank with elements from the film Willow and its spin-off novels, indicating they would be added to the Star Wars continuity.

After the Yuuzhan Vong War, chocolate became a rarity, because the Yuuzhan Vong had re-shaped seven of the eight planets that were home to the plant that produces the pods that were used to make it.

The Brownies were a diminutive, long-lived species from Andowyne that defied most scientific classifications. While they appeared magical, Brownies possessed little to no affinity for the Force, though they respected the supernatural and showed reverence for the fey folk with whom they shared the forests of Andowyne.

Prozzen Fosky was a jazz musician.

Jenny was a Human female B-Girl who was frequently seen at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley attempting to hitch up with handsome pilots.

The jizz was a long-reeded musical instrument that was, as its name implies, the core of any jizz band.

In some locales, carbonite was also used to preserve the bodies of the dead.

The potent pursuer of illegitimate activities, the Black Suns, coursed through the veins of the Black Venom Sea, dominating the area with heavy laser fire and lethal missiles.

Real Deal was a Mon Calamari Sailfish-class transport originally provided by Lando Calrissian to Jae Juun.

Trains were also used to by the Galactic Empire to transport prisoners and cargo across the spice-mine asteroid Kessel.

In truth, the Force is an amalgamation of many religions and philosophies, and is intended as a metaphor for spirituality itself. As in real-world spirituality, there is the potential for a "light" and a "dark" side in each person as well as the universe at large.

The Galactic Empire utilized slavery for several weapon projects, including the creation of the Death Star superweapons. In addition, any enemies of the Empire that had been defeated, particularly the females and children, were often sent to Orvax IV to be processed into the slave market, especially if they served no

The culture of the Galactic Empire was ascetic and minimalist.

Many of the Senators who formed the opposition party to the legislation did so on the basis of fiscal conservatism. Although they agreed with Senator Amidala that negotiations should be pursued, they focused their arguments around the financial damage the reform bill would have on the Republic economy. Alderaan's

A hermit was any individual that retired from society and lived in a simple way apart from others. The habitation of a hermit was called a hermitage.

Smoking was a recreational drug activity in the galaxy. It involved using driedtobacco or similar inhalants like tabac or t'bac, lighting it, and then absorbing the smoke via the nostrils or similar organs. Other drugs could also be smoked through a water pipe. Smoking was sometimes considered bothersome to the