Reposted Wookieepedia

After living with his only child for some time, however, George decided he had made the wrong choice.
- From Sheebla

Creative procrastinating was a topic of research at the University of Desultori.

Upon surviving the battle between Fett and Vader, the High Hermit experienced an epiphany and began to embrace optimism. However, Vader had the hermitage completely destroyed from orbit for the hermits' having witnessed the events.

At one point, he fell in love with the warrior-woman Sheebla, and planned on marrying her. But when he learned of Sheebla's infertility, Binks broke off his wedding plans and left her; to him a son to carry on the family name was more important than love. He eventually married another woman, not out of love, but

Members of the Ancient Order believed that the world was as bad as it could be. They were inclined to emphasize unfavorable conditions, aspects and possibilities in life, and to expect the worst possible outcome in every single situation.

The H'nemthe mating ritual was a gruesome act in which the female would gut the male with her razor tongue following sexual intercourse, thought to have been driven biologically by the fact that male outnumbered female H'nemthe twenty-to-one. Other races looked upon this as barbaric, though male H'nemthe thought it

Born to George R. Binks and his wife in Otoh Gunga, Jar Jar Binks, was raised in his family traditions to be a great whaler as his ancestors had been for hundreds of years. Due to his clumsiness and ineptitude, however, Binks was never able to become what his father had wanted him to be. Once, while on an expedition

The primary purpose of most telekinetic powers was to move objects through space.

* Yezzo - Affirmative

A newsfeed during the Battle of Ryloth referred to football as the most important sport in an article about the second-most important.

That same year, they preemptively panned the summer season of upcoming holodramas, saying that it was largely made up of mediocre sequels and other potentially bad productions.

* Vor'e - "Thanks"

"Perhaps so, Sebastian. But for every drop of blood you spill, a million sentients will rise in rebellion."

* Motorcycle - Hover bike, speeder bike, Swoop

By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, most had opted for segregation and relegation to a subjected class.

However, the stormtrooper ranks would cease to be dominated by Fett's progeny after the Battle of Kamino in 12 BBY.

"Take me, Sebastian, you know I will not resist."

Jedi do not marry (with some exceptions), in order to avoid attachment and—according to Vergere—so as not to create dynasties of those strong in the Force. However, in many periods of the Order's history, such as the era prior to Exar Kun and in Luke Skywalker's reformed Jedi Order, marriage was not forbidden. That

A poet was someone who made up poems and rhymes.

BB-8's name was chosen by Episode VII director J.J. Abrams because of the droid's round and bouncy look. Abrams is also quoted with saying, "I named him BB-8 because it was almost onomatopoeia. It was sort of how he looked to me, with the 8, obviously, and then the two B's."