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In 22 BBY, reporter Anjet Okeco wrote an article for HoloNet News about the use of death sticks among Coruscant's youth with Coruscant Health Officials estimating millions of children using them.

Domains were often restricted to one caste, though an individual might enter a different caste.

This ticket vendor, a male Chevin, sold tickets to the Tatooine Boonta Eve Classic during the time of the Invasion of Naboo.

Bayts' name was intended as a pun on the term "masturbates"; a pun later illustrated by Haden Blackman in Star Wars: Obsession. Stradley had initially planned to use the name as a practical joke on Comic Editor at Lucas Licensing Sue Rostoni, who would often put the word "Master" in front of any Jedi's name. Stradley

Hyper-eros was a condition suffered by some Lyunesi. Due to their sensitivity to language and body-language, some Lyunesi became consumed with a passion for individuals that deprived them of their rationality.

A ticket was a small object used to gain entrance into an event, such as podracing, or as a way of travelling on a transport.

A goose was a creature that bore a thin, multi-jointed neck and waddled when it walked.

An egg was a method of giving birth among some species.

The Bothans were able to interbreed with other species, as exemplified by the Jedi Lord Valenthyne Farfalla.

As the clones' accelerated aging process began causing their physical skills and abilities to deteriorate, they were replaced by non-clone volunteers and conscripts.

After the Battle of Endor, Imperial Holovision was canceled, and HoloNet News, which would serve the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, took its place.

By the time the Galactic Civil War began in earnest, Jango Fett's clones were heavily supplanted by clones based on a variety of templates around 9 BBY, followed shortly after by enlisted Humans.

IHV's executives were not on the Imperial government's payroll; they didn't have to be. They were largely holdovers from the fall of the Republic, who were trained to be loyalists as a matter of course. Their allegiance to the Emperor was freely given; it did not have to be purchased. But they were still journalists,

The great war was a conflict between the planets of Rutan and Senali.

Lando Calrissian's father was one of the parents of Lando Calrissian.

The title of this article is conjectural.

At first, the colonists clashed with the indigenous Gungans, a species of land-dwelling amphibians. After years of bloody conflict between the two people, those who had renamed themselves "the Naboo" chose to reinvent their culture.

"Blow 'em All Away" was a song by Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids.

In dry climates and worlds, moisture vaporators were used extensively to harvest whatever atmospheric humidity was available, collecting enough water to sustain three average humanoids, even on hot desert planets like Tatooine.

The Sym-voyage took this to a higher level, allowing patrons to "visit" exotic worlds without leaving their homeworld.