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In a February 9, 2012 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, George Lucas indicated that Greedo fired first, even in the original film, and pointed out that the exchange of blaster fire between Han Solo and Greedo was shot in close-up which made the scene ambiguous. This ambiguity along with the viewers desire for Han

Such famous genera as Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus and Velociraptor were theropods.

Simians were a subgroup of mammals. Taungs and Humans were considered to be a a simian species.

Bothan spies also used time bombs.

One very expensive clock was kept by Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo in her Special Salon on Hapes.

A swamp was an area that possessed both qualities of land and aqueous nature. They generally occurred where groundwater met the surface, or were located near larger bodies such as seas or oceans. In some cases, such as on the planet Dagobah, a swamp environment could cover the entire surface.

Jason Fry noted that Sulorine was a typo of Suolriep but that it was decided to keep it.

Hutts also possessed a cloaca flap.

As a result of this, gender was more of a case of a Hutt's deliberate decision or a viewer's deduction.

"It was like steel, not steel, but hard plastic, and if you stood behind me you could see straight to Florida. You'll have to ask Boba Fett about that."
- Carrie Fisher

Like worms, they were hermaphroditic and thus possessed both male and female sex organs.

The Secretary in charge of scheduling was the title given to the person in charge of booking acts for the Imperial Entertainers' Guild.

Brazzer was a male Twi'lek who worked as a Guard in Diago Hixan's Palace during the Cold War.

Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species. Males did have breasts, but they were far less developed than their female counterparts due to the sexual dimorphism.

The Endor Holocaust was a story put forward by Imperial propaganda agents after the Battle of Endor, claiming that the destruction of the second Death Star over Endor in 4 ABY caused the moon and its inhabitants to be devastated by falling debris.

Sorry about the mess.

The title of this article is a nickname, call sign, or alias.

All in-universe articles should be in past tense, per the quote above.

This article is about the food substance. You may be looking for Cheese the person.

Pornography was the explicit depiction of sexual subject matter.