Reposted Wookieepedia

In accordance with their philosophies of non-attachment, clothing was viewed as quite disposable. Indeed, possession itself was seen as forbidden as another form of attachment, and most Jedi lived out lives of material poverty, though the Order's infrastructure and the support of the Republic meant the Jedi did not…

The Jedi conquered emotions and materialism.

Cancer was a disease that could be fatal to Humans.

Daniels has stated that Baker did not film any scenes for the final instalment, Revenge of the Sith, and Baker has admitted that most footage of his R2-D2 unit appearing in the film was reused from Episode II, though he did film bits and pieces.

"I'd do anything for a peek under that helmet… almost anything."
- A Twi'lek stripper to Jango Fett

The 3PO series protocol droid was a Human-cyborg relations protocol droid produced by Cybot Galactica.

The Sector Performance Arts Center, known as SecPAC, was a building constructed during the time of the Galactic Empire, located in the Rayter sector.

On Bar-Neth, golf was practiced on zero-gravity courses.

A protocol droid was a type of droid designed to assist sentients in their relationships with each other.

Baker appears in all six of the Star Wars films, although stock footage was used for much of R2-D2's role in Revenge of the Sith.

The individual was killed by a spacer.

A metric ton was a unit used to measure large quantities of mass, such as the cargo capacity of spaceships.

"The New Order" was a song by the pro-Imperial musical group The Emperor's New Clothes from their album Totally Patriotic.

"Average Brown Wookiee" was a popular tune of the Cold War era.

Siren was a term used to describe dangerous, predatory "sex goddesses." These females often wore low- and/or high-cut clothing.

The Alpha Sierra Mining Corporation was a mining corporation that operated during the Galactic Civil War.

In many species that had two sexes, the creation of a new organism was obtained by combining the genetic material of the two "parents," that is two opposite-sex organisms. That usually required mating, sexual union involving penetration so the male's sperm could impregnate a female's ovum.

Kiss was a planet.

* Cha skrunee da pat, Sleemo 'Don't count on it, slimeball!'

Solah was the call of surrender in lightsaber training velocities at the Jedi Temple.