Reposted Wookieepedia

The Beatles can be seen crossing the street in the image as their famous Abbey Road album.

Emo Aucellis was a male individual who worked as an explorer and a historian.

Earth was a planet which the Star Tours travel agency operated on at some point between 1 and 0 BBY.

Ruggers were fluffy rodents native to the forest moon of Endor, and were considered cute to many species in the galaxy.

Jabba appropriated Umpass-stay's services and forced him to work as a spy. He also sat in as a drummer for the Max Rebo Band with the Weequay Ak-rev. Umpass-stay was ordered to be a drummer for extra security after a group of musicians attempted to assassinate Jabba.

Shave-and-a-haircut referred to a short musical tune, ending in two final notes.

Jenna can refer to:
* Jenna, a woman residing on Ord Mantell around 3643 BBY.
* Jenna, the daughter of a sheriff who was killed by order of Bo-Dum the Hutt.
* Jenna Lars, a woman from Lianna who worked with the smuggler Darren T. Weeb.
* Jenna Relasi, a female bounty hunter who worked for the House Salaktori.
* Jenna Zan

There were several undertones that carried over into anti-droid sentiment and anti-female chauvinism, which also manifested against Human females, who were almost universally barred from the higher echelons of power in the Empire's military and government. Exceptions included Admiral Daala of the Imperial Navy

Non-human or NhM was the Imperial designation for aliens, humanoids, droids, cyborgs and female Humans. This label was a tool of Human High Culture, and it was said that NhM bigotry reached its height in the pre-Endor Imperial Navy.

Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens
Star Wars: Episode VIII
Star Wars: Episode IX

Using his newfound power to heal his own body, Plagueis decided to take his powers further and reached out to the midi-chlorians across the galaxy in order to gain dominance over them, but the Force resisted his efforts and refused. In response, the midi-chlorians acted of their own accord and conceived a child within

A parking-orbit voucher entitled a starship to park in orbit.

Tweetu was a Jawa who lived on the planet Tattooine.

The deadly warship was the Emperor's first superweapon.

"Missed Chance" is a short story by Michael A. Stackpole.

Calrissian also preferred to drink beverages he disliked while playing sabacc, so as to avoid intoxication.

The outer coat enclosing the eyeball was referred to as the sclera.

An Echani dense curiass was an item of heavy armor worn during the Cold War.

Some societies measured time with units other than those used by the Galactic Standard Calendar, such as kets, klekkets, grimnals, cergl-units, and progressions.

Operating a vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol was considered very ill-advised.