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Throughout the galaxy, any practice by which severe pain and/or suffering was inflicted on a being, whether physical or mental, was considered torture.

Wayne Pygram portrayed Wilhuff Tarkin briefly in Revenge of the Sith.

A Mofference was a secret conference held by the Imperial Central Committee of Grand Moffs in the secluded Mofference room of their Moffship.

Chet was a male Human customs officer who worked at the primary spacesport in the capital city Daplona on the planet Ciutric IV.

Melvin found a Jar Jar commemorative drinking cup filled with soda.

"You got it. Circle like circuit. Everything's connected. The galaxy is one big machine and all our cells are like tiny droids."
- Bolan

Like cats, they came in many colors and enjoyed batting at strings.

The Rule by the Strong was a theory that emerged in the Brotherhood of Darkness during the last decades of the Republic Dark Age.

Everything they did was for the betterment of the General Good, including the virtually complete isolation of the planet from the rest of the galaxy.

Sometime after the Battle of Endor, rumors began to spread regarding a "Cult of the Power Droids." Apparently a pair of GNK Power Droids would come to one's door and request funding for a religious fringe group. Advice from renowned linguist Ebenn Q3 Baobab was that one should merely utter the phrase "Gonk. Gonk ko

Moss paintings were a unique kind of art. Developed by Ob Khaddor, the paintings had moss grown (technically called designed) to form beautiful images.

Several groups were considered terrorist groups by various governments.

* zhaelor ("truth")

The degree of the curve at the top of the hilt in relation to the hand holds was the important factor.

The Dinosaurs were ancient reptiles that were extinct long before Human civilisation emerged.

* Tee-tocky 'Time'

Thrawn believed one could understand the psychological and tactical limitations of one's adversaries through examination of their art, and thus exploit their weaknesses.

The Bloodline was a speeder bike produced by Praxon during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

The word ape (or monkey) described various species of non-sentient creatures, humanoid in shape.

Luke Skywalker's best friend was a Force sensitive childhood friend of Luke Skywalker and lieutenant in the Rebel Alliance who participated in the battles of Yavin, Hoth and Endor.