Reposted Wookieepedia

Types of fruit included blumfruit, Shimura, melioorun and muja fruit.

It is known that Louie trained Elam in the use of blasters.

Shia Letap was a female Human Jedi Initiate.

R2-KT sometimes went by the name of "Katie."

A day was a unit of time.

The Meatlump Lump was the official currency used by the Meatlump Gang.

Wizard: Juvenile equivalent to "cool" (i.e. "that's so wizard, Ani"). Also used as a derogatory term for Jedi Knights by individuals such as Owen Lars.

The Bloodline was a speeder bike produced by Praxon during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

As mentor to the first Jedi of the new order and one of the earliest heroes of the Rebel Alliance, Kenobi's legacy would continue long after his death.

The Bothan Way (also called the Way) was the guiding philosophy of the Bothan species. Wirtten by Golm Fervse'dra, the Way outlined how Bothans should act. It stated that individual Bothans should put their own interests above those of their comrades, their family above those of other families, their clan above the

Too Late Now was destroyed by Imperial forces shortly thereafter.

The color yellow was associated with lies in the Imperial culture. When the mutant warlord Trioculus met the fake Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side, the pseudo-Kadaan, he told him he was the son of the late Palpatine. The fake Kadaan then crushed a yellow chalk ball in his hand, meaning he did not believe Trioculus'

Sernipidalian mayo-ketchup was a condiment enjoyed by the Besalisk Dexter Jettster and available in his restaurant on the planet of Coruscant, Dex's Diner, before the establishment was destroyed during the first two years of the Galactic Empire's rule. A customer could ask for it to be served with any slider on the

In lightsaber combat, a sai cha was a rare instance when a Jedi beheaded his or her opponent.

* I am a vice president and systems consultant for personnel development and management consulting.

Terrorists were those who engaged in terrorism, the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

Chad, now under the screen name of "WhiteBoy," was the first user to officially edit the new wiki on March 9, starting with the logo and the moving of articles from Wikipedia to the Star Wars Wiki space.

The Esplanade was a broad, tree-lined thoroughfare on Oseon 6845. The cobblestoned avenue was built for pedestrian traffic and equipped with an artificial gravity field to accomodate a variety of species.

Isis was the Gutretee homeworld and a secret Rebel Alliance safe world during the Galactic Civil War.

The microfusion pile was a near-infinite source of energy used to power the droid Vuffi Raa.