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Saying "Go to Hell" or "See you in Hell" were similarly used as expletives meant to insult or threaten whoever the Speaker was saying them to.

However, in order to keep the Expanded Universe backstory developed for the A New Hope character intact, later references have retconned the Rodian who fought with Anakin as Greedo the Elder.
However, in 2010, following the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode Sphere of Influence, which also featured Greedo, it

This article is about the bounty hunter killed by Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina. You may be looking for his father, Greedo the Elder.

Greedo was the name of two different Rodian bounty hunters.

Support Services was responsible for the supply fleet, a collection of transports ranging from light freighters to bulk freighters.

The dishwasher was a type of job, usually with low wages.

Typical varieties of fish ranged from the goldie, harmless peaceful fish sometimes used to creature a peaceful atmosphere in a room, to the vicious eel known as the colo claw fish, one of the more vicious predators of the seas of Naboo.

Blake was a Rebel who was at Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth, and later became a general in the New Republic.

While not the most glamorous branch of the Rebel Alliance, it was crucial to their success in the Galactic Civil War.

Alpha Squad was a scout squad for the Zann Consortium.

Sven Kim was a male individual who operated as a pirate during the Galactic Civil War.

The Bjornsons were a family of Tatooine moisture farmers.

Gary M. Sarli, an editor and devleoper for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game and other related RPG guides, created Stae-Fahnti Koelbayr as a reference to the comedian and talk show host Stephen Colbert, using him in 2009's Dawn of Defiance campaign.

After months of planning, mutineers led by Commander Dhas Fenoep Vedij, the second-in-command of the frigate, seized the Far Orbit from Captain Vocis Kenit and his troopers after the mutineers overwhelmed the Imperail loyalists.

A bracelet was a decorate item worn by individuals.

Flaunt was a genre of music common among young people during the Galactic Civil War.

An egg was a method of giving birth among some species.

A musical composer of some renown, Dembaline's work retained its notability and popularity for many decades. One of Dembaline's best known songs, "Shwock Dublion," was regarded as a rousing and dramatic piece by some Humans.

Lyrics Sanskrit

Birth control were methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy. The Ho'Dins were masters of birth control.