Reposted Wookieepedia

Luna-weed was a plant native to Aduba-3. If chewed, t could produce delusional effects in the user.

There are occurrences of blood in the Star Wars films.

The heart of a Human being was located behind the breastbone, and would thud against it under certain emotional conditions.

Off Chance was an old blockade runner that had been won by Lando Calrissian in a sabacc game.

At the end of the Clone Wars, Sel'Sabagno had once more changed his ways, and was seeking to turn others from illicit drug use.

Smoking was a recreational drug activity in the galaxy. It involved using dried tobacco or similar inhalants like tabac or t'bac, lighting it, and then absorbing the smoke via the nostrils or similar organs.

"I have a bad feeling about this" is a well-known phrase in the Star Wars series which has become something of a running gag.

Garbage snipes were edible birds from Glottal.
- From Garbage snipe

Barons Knoll was a hill on Sulon.

Brick was a male Human TIE pilot in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War.

Rogue Squadron's origins date back to Irvin Kershner's 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, wherein LukeSkywalker commands a group of snowspeeder pilots using "Rogue" as a callsign during the Battle of Hoth.

Buck was a Green Forge ecoterrorist. A muscular opportunist, he would have affairs with wealthy women and use them to achieve his Green Forge ends.

Waldo was a male Humanoid security expert of the Slam gang.

Hamsters were rodents found on Endor.

A droid that understood Basic might only be programmed to respond to the voice of its master, and by communicating exclusively in Binary, outside interference that might affect the droid's behavior or function could be limited during the conversation.

Arrest tentacles were extruded from the nose of Yuuzhan Vong ships to capture and reel in enemy ships.

They seperated the Yiulimar Ice Fjords from Beija.

Make a series of short buzzes with your tongue. (Your buzzing should be at a pitch distinguishable from those of electrocution.) ("Lower the voltage. You are damaging my molecules!")

In order to assist communication with droids, reed whistles like the Baobab Larynx-7 were created. With some practice, all the necessary chirps, whistles and buzzes could be replicated.

After Jabba was killed, he went on tour with Sy since his other band member Droopy left to find his brothers in the desert. After Sy set off on her own, Rebo set out on his own solo career, and after many tours, joined the New Republic to entertain soldiers.