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A blast vest, also called semi-armor or a protective vest, was a type of light armor which protected a humanoid's torso.

An error in the first release of the video game allowed player-characters of both male and female genders to access the Juhani romance sub-plot, leading some people to believe that Juhani was bisexual, but the error has since been corrected and the romance sub-plot restricted to female player characters.

Alternative techniques of feeding infants did exist, as the TDL nanny droid could store up to two liters of milk internally.

Feswe Prime
Feswe Minor System

This article is non-canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

The fast draw was a type of gun duel move, which entailed outpacing a rival gunman and shooting him/her.

The glowrod (also referred to as a glowtube, glowlamp, light stick, chemlight or glow stick) was a device utilized for the purpose of producing light.

Tara was attractive and had long, brown hair that was braided.

This male Human senator gave the Separatists information on the Republic's plans as they were holding his family captive.

"Makea himsa deada. Soris isa hisa namea."
- Nalskel

Mermeia was a holographic fantasy woman who existed within virtual reality as an erotic entertainer for users of mind evaporators and holoprojectors. When accessed via the former device, she was a product of the user's deepest desires, and she appeared to them as created by their mind. On at least two occasions, she

Since then, the only previously published material still considered canon are the six original trilogy/prequel trilogy films and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and films.

Droids, especially those with complex personalities and those which worked in close partnerships with organic beings, such as protocol droids and astromech droids, were often programmed to have stereotypically masculine or feminine personalities. Thus, even mechanical beings were usually designated he or she.

Under-Moff was title created especially for Arribid Bensen as the top military engineer and geologist of the Imperial Army.

Pajamas were loose-fitting, one or two-piece garments worn chiefly for sleeping, but sometimes also for lounging and relaxing.

Juhani is the first female character written for the Star Wars universe that is a lesbian.

Pratt was a Human male sergeant in the Imperial Army who was stationed on the planet Alderaan. A junior officer in Lieutenant Grol's unit, after Grol's death he clashed with Sergeant Tegan over who would assume command of the unit and continue their mission to extract Padrus Organa from Hosuse Alde.

Golf was a sport that could be played on Bar-Neth, a once arid planet that had been terraformed and turned into a successful holiday resort.

On November 6, 2014, the official Star Wars Twitter account announced that the film had completed principal photography.

A book was a written work.