Reposted Wookieepedia


Prior to the establishment of the Lucasfilm Story Group, the special was classified as S-canon.

Downey was a Human male lieutenant and commando who served in the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.

C1-10P, commonly known as "Chopper," was a C1 model astromech droid with masculine programming who was active in the early years of the Galactic Empire.

Llamas were furry, long-necked creatures that lived on the forest moon of Endor.

Black Curs Blues was an adventure for the West End Games Roleplaying Game.

A cartoon existed in the galaxy in 1 ABY. It featured a mission undertaken by the Rebel Alliance's Heroes of Yavin on the planet Panna, where they encountered the bounty hunter Boba Fett. The cartoon was narrated by Captain Kazan, the commander of the cruiser RS Revenge. The young Wookiee Lumpawarrump watched it on

Subgenres of jizz included the styles of jizz-wail, aubade, and glitz. Also, jatz was slightly similar to jizz.

Love was a male spicelord living during the Galactic War.

Luck was the belief found in several cultures whereby good or bad events occurred to beings based, not on merit, but on other factors.

After the Rebels healed Zuckuss, the two bounty hunters joined the Alliance and attempted to rescue Han Solo from Boba Fett before the Mandalorian could deliver him to Jabba the Hutt. They failed utterly, though, and 4-LOM was left badly damaged. Zuckuss restored him, but had to perform a complete memory wipe to do

The stories themselves are comedic in nature and based in part on Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead - an award winning play that centers around the lives of two minor characters in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Later in the night, Chewbacca and Mallatobuck consummated their union and conceived a child. The next day, Chewbacca left with Solo to continue serving his life debt.

Duckonian was a term that was created to make potentially racist jokes politically correct and was used in the publication 1001 Duckonian Lightbulb Jokes.

They were gangly, mournful-looking humanoids with arms stretching past their knees.

Smith is a prominent Libertarian and political activist; his novels Pallas, The Forge of the Elders, and the The Probability Broach each won the Libertarian Futurist Society's annual Prometheus Award for best libertarian science fiction novel.

The two wed the very next day on the branch of a wroshyr tree outside of Rwookrrorro. No priest officated; per Wookiee custom, the two wed themselves. Mallatobuck wore a sheer veil of silvery gray, and Solo stood at Chewbacca's side as his "best Human", in nod to Human customs.

It was used during the battle of the Space fortress. It was also destroyed later on.

In conversation, they were fond of exaggeration, sarcasm, and talking for sheer enjoyment while avoiding the central issue of a discussion.

Many LEGO Star Wars fans also build custom creations of Star Wars vehicles, scenes and figures. These creations are not official, but can however be uploaded to the Star Wars gallery, where other people can see, vote and comment on them.