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Each season had its own unique opening sequence; The first season's opening featured a song written and performed by the American blues musician Taj Mahal, while the second season opening featured a different song in which the Ewoks sing a song about friendship.

The Star Wars prequel trilogy films contain many elements which appear to reference and/or resemble elements from the Star Wars: Droids animated series. However, these may have simply been unused concepts that Lucas allowed to be inserted into the series, and then reused the concepts for the prequel films. Star Wars:

The fake was, as the name suggested, a disguised naval battle tactic.

Gor apples were a type of fruit that was often dried out and then preserved for longevity.

The hilt, sometimes called a grip, was the handle by which an individual would grasp a bladed weapon.

The station was named after its owner Merl Tosche, who rarely visited. Tosche's frequent absence meant that the station was usually managed by Laze "Fixer" Loneozner. As a result it became a popular gathering place for local youths such as Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter.

The crossguard lightsaber, also known as the forked lightsaber, was a type of lightsaber known to be used by the Jedi Roblio Darté, whose weapon had two blue blades.

The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, the articles on Wookieepedia are presented as historical recordings that have been pieced together from scraps of information left over from the Star Wars era. As such, all details pertaining to this history have not yet been uncovered, and more information may be added at a

Star Wars 6 was also the first source to provide the character with a first name, calling him Tono Porkins. Grant S. Boucher's 1989 roleplaying sourcebook Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope later gave the character the first name Jek.

A nut-shaped individual attended a VIP gala held by Bezz Drexx on Coruscant during the Clone Wars. It had pointy ears, yellow eyes, and wore a hat.

The krayt dragon was thought by some xenobiologists to have descended from the Duinuogwuin (also known as Star Dragons). Although no substantial evidence was offered in support of a connection to the Duinuogwuin, the krayt dragon was a proven relative of the smaller kell dragon.

Dinosaurs were ancient reptiles that were extinct long before Human civilization emerged. However, the giant reptiloids of Trammis III, such as the akorec, were often compared to them, or even referred to as being dinosaurs.

A piercing was a ring or other item worn pierced through the skin as a decorate item. Members of the Jiivahar species wore piercings, as did some Amarans.

A louse (pl. lice) was a microscopic parasite that lived off hosts such as Humans and other species.

While many in the galaxy required the need to travel between the stars, those constantly living in one place on their home planets required less sophisticated varieties of transport. For use across the water masses, many cultures on various worlds employed simple boats - primitive wooden handmade watercraft.

The land shrimp was a creature that lived on Drongar and Kashyyyk and was considered by many to be a delicacy.

Fiber-chain was a form of rope, developed from linked rings of dura-fiber, which gave it the appearance of a chain.

Standard suiterooms had two berths, an en suite bathroom, and environmental controls that could be tailored to the needs of many different species. Depending on their location aboard the ship, these cost from 50 to 150 credits per night. Deluxe staterooms, with amenities including refreshment and entertainment areas,

A train was a ground vehicle that moved along rails or magnetic guides.

These three Jawas could be seen napping in Tatooine's noon-day suns at Mos Eisley spaceport.