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Trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, his distinctive head tenacles contained highly sensitive olfactory receptors that allowed him to detect pheromonal expressions of emotion and other changes in body chemistry.

Elan Sel'Sabagno, also known as Elan Sleazebaggano, was a Balosar medical student on Coruscant who fell in with a bad crowd. He eventually became a slythmonger, and dealt death sticks in the Outlander Club in the Uscru Entertainment District.

During construction and planning, Plo Koon was known as "Plonkoon", after the nickname of Nick Dudman's son. It was amended by George Lucas before filming to "Plo Koon."

George Lucas receives a large amount of negative attention from fans who claim that his recent actions influencing the Star Wars galaxy detract from the overall value of the saga. People who argue this point vehemently are sometimes called "Lucas Bashers."

The Twilight was a G9 Rigger freighter that was originally used by Hutt crime lord Ziro Desilijic Tiure as a spice freighter during the Clone Wars.

As with most Earth animals featured in the Star Wars canon, the status and origins of the dog remain a mystery.

Lucas considers himself a "Trekkie" and has cited Star Trek as his inspiration for working with sci fi.

Dancer was the nickname given by Mara Jade Skywalker to her own astromech droid.

After Asajj Ventress issued bounties on members of the Jedi Order, more experienced bounty hunters warned the newer hunters to be cautious when hunting Jedi. If not, they ran the risk of being "Jangoed" - beheading by a lightsaber.

Using the firefight as a distraction, Fett planted an explosive charge beneath the Death Watch's armored tank, destroying it. He was attacked moments later by the Death Watch soldier responsible for the deaths of his parents and although the rogue Mandalorian slashed him with his gauntlet's vibroblade, Fett was able

A cape was a long item of clothing that fell loosely over the shoulders from the neckband.

Scarves were accessories worn around the neck for warmth or style.

Siren was a term used to describe dangerous, predatory "sex goddesses." These females often wore low- and/or high-cut clothing, According to Lando Calrissian, sirens had provocative eyes and many secrets.

After hatching, Bossk devoured each of his unhatched siblings, which made his father proud.

Kam Nale, also known under the alias "Elan Mak," was a Fluggrian male professional Podracer pilot who flew an outdated Kurtob KRT 410-C around 32 BBY, during the final decades of the Galactic Republic.

Dashit's first name was caused some fans to believe that Palpatine's full name is "Cos Palpatine". This is fanon. However, an EU character, Palpatine's father and patriarch of the House of Palpatine, was eventually granted a similar name, Cosinga Palpatine.

Palpatine was not given a first name in any canonical or Star Wars Legends source until 2014, when the character's first name—Sheev—was revealed in the novel Tarkin by James Luceno.

Snootles felt her job was done and pointed a blaster at Ziro; Ziro pled for his life, but to no avail: Snootles shot and killed the Hutt.

Vago was a paled Human male Sith Lord who served the resurgent Sith Empire during the Cold War.

"Is it so wrong to be a murderer? Or a liar? Or an inhuman monster? I may be all of those things, but I still have a heart."
- Trioculus