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The band was commonly referred to simply as the Modal Nodes, although Figrin D'an insisted on placing his full name before the band's name at every show. As a bandleader, "Fiery" Figrin D'an was demanding. He was highly critical of every performance and criticized the band heavily if they were to miss even a single

Intergalactic Joke Group was a service that sent a daily joke by e-mail to its members.

Chewbacca feels that he isn't being very much appreciated by Han who is in love with Leia. In the end Leia goes out with Chewbacca, and Han nearly thinks of going out with C-3PO…

He also had a lust for female humanoids, often enslaving them for his pleasure, such as Oola and Leia. His humanoid female fetish was also implied by close Hutt associates of Jabba to not be a typical Hutt trait.

"It was like steel, not steel, but hard plastic, and if you stood behind me you could see straight to Florida. You'll have to ask Boba Fett about that."
- Carrie Fisher

Dr. Fool was a galaxy-renowned toy maker.

Hatch sphincter were a Yuuzhan Vong biot developed as a self-sealing doorway.

It was a timid creature, and by 4 ABY, it had been incorporated into a Galactic Basic Standard simile for a frightened person.

The Bothan Bie Breil'lya owned a comm board and in 3 ABY Breil'lya was apprehended by the bounty hunter Nariss Siv Loqesh while distracted by a message that he had received via the board.

Krek beetles were insects native to Ryloth. They were the basis for a Twi'lek metaphor.

Jaster Mereel was originally proposed as the true identity of Boba Fett in the novella The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett and repeated in Fett's entry in the The Essential Guide to Characters. But when Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones was released in 2002, its depiction of Fett's childhood on

Fried Endorian chicken was a time of crispy meal served at Dex's Diner on the planet Coruscant.

The term Sand People was given to them due to their existence in the desert, and was in use from at least around 4000 BBY; but the more formal name of Tusken Raiders was acquired much later, due to a period of concerted attacks on the settlement at Fort Tusken in 98-95 BBY.

Knowledge of this incident eventually made its way into Deal-slang in the shape of the expression "boba-ize", which meant to do something unintelligent which would jeopardize or potentially ruin a deal, implying that falling into the Sarlacc was considered the result of stupidity in the eyes of the speakers of

A nerf herder, also spelled "nerf-herder" or "nerfherder", was someone who herded nerfs on various planets throoughout the galaxy. As it was solely an occupation for lower-class beings, the term "nerf herder" became an insult used throughout the galaxy.

"I have a bad feeling about this" is a well-known phrase in the Star Wars series which has become something of a running gag.

Their sharp teeth pointed to a carnivorous diet. The diet of the most famous member of the species, Jedi Master Yoda, consisted of a nutriment most other beings considered disgusting.

Chaos, referred to as Hell in Corellian mythology and also known as The Void, was a reputedly dark region of the Netherworld of the Force inhabited by the spirits of deceased Dark Lords of the Sith, Dark Jedi, and the spirits of all evil sentient beings who had died.

Dysentery was a disease that attacked the elderly. As of 21.5 BBY, it was largely unknown to the civilized galaxy. The disease could last at least a week.

The Hammer was the name of a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon that was operated by clone trooper commander Thorn during the Clone Wars.