Reposted Wookieepedia

This cocky officer was a young officer who was serving in the Imperial Navy aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator some time after the Battle of Yavin.

A webcomic is a comic published on the internet.

JJ Abrams made a cameo on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, in which he is seen directing R2-D2 on the set of The Force Awakens. When a fish falls on the script that he's holding, he gets frustrated and quits the film.

The Silly Rabbit constellation was a constellation of the Mid Rim that was home to the Coachelle system.

Nuna, commonly called swamp turkeys, were reptavian gamebirds native to Naboo.

A ticket was a small object used to gain entrance into an event, such as podracing.

Jade can refer to one of the following:
In universe
* The mercenary Jade
* A Jade crystal
* Jade (Lambda-class), the Bothan Spynet's Lambda-class shuttle
* Mara Jade SKywalker
* Mara Jade Skywalker's ships
* Jade's Fire
* Jade's Sabre
* Jade's Shadow
* Jade Moon, Loronar's moon
* Jade McDonagh
* The alias Jade used by Luke

Happy was a city on the planet of Korbin.

Wing Commander was a rank in the Grand Army of the Republic, Imperial, New Republic and Yuuzhan Vong militaries.

A boudoir located within the Royal Palace of Aldera had been attributed to Rouge Organa, one of the three sisters of Viceroy Bail Prestor Organa. In that small private room, Rouge Organa liked to have her hair dressed for dinner. The boudoir was equipped with a gilt-framed mirror.

Naam's Huttese Theatre was a theatrical venue located on Tatooine.

The Tantive Gallery of Progressive Art was an art museum on the planet Tantive IV. Its "sister" museum was the Aldera Museum of Modern Expression on Alderaan.

Dopa na rocka rocka? 'Does this cause brain damage?'

Dopa na rocka rocka? 'Does this cause brain damage?'

A museum was a building that housed exhibits which provided information about certain topics, such as art, history and extinct animals.

Star Wars: Death Star!

Star Wars: Death Star! is the third issue in Marvel Star Wars series of comics and is featured in issues five & six of Marvel UK's Star Wars.

Star Wars 102: School Spirit is the one-hundred-second issue in the Marvel Star Wars series of comics.

Rude Awakening can refer to:
* Rude Awakening, a freighter
* Rude Awakening, an infiltrator
* Rude Awakening, a short story
- From Rude Awakening

Humans, taxonomically referred to as Homo sapiens, were the galaxy's most numerous and politically dominant sentient species with millions of major and minor colonies galaxywide.