Reposted Wookieepedia

On April 1, 2005, updated its Databank with elements from the film and its spin-off novels, indicating that Willow would be added to the Star Wars continuity. Elaborate databank entries were written which attempted to plausibly fit the film into the history of the Star Wars universe. However, two days

Weazel was fluent in Huttese and was considered by others to be sleazy.

Williams is well-known for his appearance in advertisements for Colt 45, a low-cost brand of malt liquor.

A member of the Jedi order, an Aqualish Jedi of the Quara race served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.

Kosa-Yin Hadu was a Gungan male Sith cult member who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Originally a member of the Jedi Order, Hadu trained as the Padawan of Jedi Kngiht Kin-Ya Dosun, a fellow Gungan.

The Wookiees were also good swimmers, which was reflected by their powerful thighs.

The Ewokeses featured in Return of the Jedi was developed by ILM sound designer Ben Burrt, and was largely based on Chalmuk, a Mongolian, nomadic tribal dialect.

An Ewok Jedi was in activity at some point following the founding of the New Republic in 5 ABY.

In addition, one of the gunners assigned to the destruction of Alderaan, Master Chief Gunnery Office Tenn Graneet, ended up wracked with intense guilt for his role in its destruction, viewing his own actions as being unforgivable.

The destruction of Alderaan failed in its psychological goal; wiping out a peaceful and idyllic paradise caused great consternation, especially in the Core Worlds; Atour Riten, the Death Star's librarian, who had been writing what he had intended to be a neutral record of the current war against the Rebellion,

Initially many people of the new Empire enthusiastically supported the vision outlined in the Declaration of a New Order, largely due to the violence that had plagued the galaxy forso long. Many senators wholeheartedly supported the new government.

"I've been almost killed several times. I'm not dead. I hold no ill will to any who did try to kill me."
- K'Kruhk to Sian Jeisel on Saleucami

"If we were given just one word of information in our entire history, how we'd treasure it! How we'd pore over every syllable, divining its meaning, arguing its importance; how we'd examine it and wring every lesson we could from it. Yet today we have trillions of words, tidal waves of information; and the smallest

As a child, Boba Fett played with a Mandalorian figure that looked like his father, with which he staged mock battles against the Trade Federation. He also owned figures of starships, which he played with Jango. Younglings of many species battled with action figures of the soldiers and droids of the Clone Wars.

Kinetite was a variation on the Force lightning ability. It involved molding "Force energized lightning" into a sphere of restrained kinetic energy which could be thrown at an enemy. Instead of burning or electrocuting it's target like most forms of Force energy, it acted as a solid projectile.

"Beast of the vines, I claim you. I am the warrior, you are the weapon. Submit to my will."
- Jariah Syn speaking in the Yuuzhan Vong language and claiming an amphistaff as his own.

Whirlpool generators were weapons used by the Whaladon Processing Center to suck Whaladons into storage chambers. They were powered by antimatter furnaces.

Ewoks were sentient, diminutive, furry bipeds native to the forest moon of Endor.
- From Ewok

Some droids enforced slavery alongside their organic companions.

Within the Expanded Universe, Kevin J. Anderson later retconned an explanation: the Kessel Run is through the Maw. Event horizons around black holes are dependent on the speed at which you are traveling. A standard ship has to do the run in eighteen parsecs because to cut the route any closer, the ship would get