Reposted Wookieepedia

Bothans (pronounced /'bɑθɪn/) were furry mammalian anthropoids, about 1.5 meters tall.

Sam was a common male name.

A cat was a type of domesticated animal that made vocalizations that sounded like "meow."

Lucas bashing is a form of criticism of the works of George Lucas, but where normal criticism typically involves pragmatic engagement on the artistic merits of a work, Lucas bashers are defined by a prejudical stance that is often combined with personal attacks.

The Wookiee stood in the moon's trajectory, howling defiantly, and was crushed to death with those Sernpidalians who could not escape. His death drove Han to a resentment of his son Anakin. Han eventually recovered and forgave his son, but the death of his battle-brother and dearest companion would stick with him

Too-Onebee was distressed at having to leave the large numbers of wounded and disapproved of his new master's overbearing ways, but was forced to serve him faithfully in accordance with his overriding programming directive - to heal living beings no matter whom they might be. Nevertheless, he longed to serve those he

The Aing-Tii monks from the Kathol Rift viewed the Force in a way different, but similar to the view of the Jedi. Instead of the dark and light sides of the Force they viewed it as having many colors, much like a rainbow.

One day, Chewbacca came across a wounded elf named Mala Mala and carried her off to the sick bay of a ship in which she received life-saving medical attention from a medical droid.

Pira Bland was a male Chandrilan Human spice runner who visited Mos Eisely frequently when he was on Tatooine at the start of the Galactic Civil War.

A poet was someone who made up poetry and rhymes.

Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species.

The Cure was an adventure for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 6.

The Gungans and the Human inhabitants of Naboo did not get along, as the Gungans believed the Naboo to be pompous cowards while the Naboo believed the Gungans to be barbarians.

Christensen had quite notable performances in such films as The Virgin Suicdes (1999).

Frogs were green non-sentient amphibians, widely known as good jumpers. They lived in the watery environments of various planets, including Belsavis and Haruun Kal. Occasionally, entire swarms of frogs rained down from the skies of a planet.

Beldorion had a formidable library of Huttese pornography, and once employed the holo faker Liegeus Vorn to retape and edit it. The Lucin Syndicate of Majilop was a major producer and distrubutor of ilelgal holoporn to the Outer Rim Territories.

When composing the theme, Williams felt something ritualistic and pagan would be very effective in evoking the proper emotions, so he took a stanza of text from the Celtic epic Cad Goddeu. He had friends from Harvard University translate the English version back to Celtic, then to Greek, and finally Sanskrit; which he

At first, the new colonists seem to have been unaware of the Sand People, but a series of attacks between 98 and 95 BBY forced the abandonment of Fort Tusken, and from that point on, the Human settlers of Tatooine referred to the natives as "Tusken Raiders."

At the time of the Jedi Civil War, the planet was practically controlled by the Czerka Corporation. They were attempting to mine ores from Tatooine, although they soon discovered the ores had strange magnetic properties which made the metal corrode very fast and thus useless for production.

Sand was a creature native to the mostly-aquatic world of Lombau III that colonized the planet's shorelines like its inorganic namesake.