Reposted Wookieepedia

Many critics heavily criticized the acting of Natalie Portman and especially Jake Lloyd as the young Anakin Skywalker. Some aspects of the scrpting and direction were also criticized. Extra venom was directed at the character of Jar Jar Binks, who was regarded by some fans as purely a merchandising opportunity rather

Toilet paper was a soft tissue paper product used to maintain personal hygiene by cleansing after using a toilet.

While mating normally took place in the context of reproduction, sentient beings often engaged in sexual intercourse for recreational purposes, or as a means to express their romantic love and care for one another. In the latter case, mating was referred to as the loving. While romantic and sexual attraction to the

A toilet was a fixture found in refreshers, used for the disposal of bodily wastes. Toilet paper was used to maintain personal hygiene.

The recently widowed Lena Cobral may have been a few years older than Kenobi, but that did not stop him from developing a brief infatuation for her during his time on Frego.

Bones were calcified, hard tissues that made up the internal skeletons of certain animals, who were referred to as vertebrates.

A degree-six revolt was a term used to describe uprisings by the Sith Empire during the Cold War.

Mouse was a Duros agent in the Rebel Alliance.

Star Wars: Friends of the Force is an activity and coloring book released in 2005 and published by Dalmatian Press.

The Yuuzhan Vong - "Children of Yun-Yuuzhan", also called he Chosen Race, and sometimes incorrectly abbreviated to Vong, which implied that one was disowned by their family and their gods - were a sentient species which nearly destroyed the New Republic and were responsible for the deaths of nearly 365 trillion

The son of Han and Leia Organa Solo, Jacen Solo was a leading Jedi Knight who proved crucial in defeating the Yuuzhan Vong and protecting the galaxy during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Wheat was a food product. A variant of it, dry gene wheat, was used in Skannbult Likker, along with dust corn.

Death is the cessation of life functions in a biological organism, permanently rendering it unresponsive to any external factors. The term "death" was also sometimes applied to droids damaged beyond repair.

Baron Hodor was a male resident of Teyr. He was thought to have been the inventor of the Pikatta pie.

The loyalty that stormtroopers possessed was so complete that they could be neither bribed, seduced or blackmailed to abandon their allegiance to the Empire or its sovereign.

In most cases, death was caused by the major body parts within an organism simply "breaking down" from age and/or constant use. However, it could also be caused by irreparable damage to the major organs, such as them being ruptured, sliced, blasted, or similarly damaged.

A shirt was an item of clothing that was normally worn on the torso of a body.

The vibrosword was a longer, heavier version of the vibroblade.

Kin-Ya Dosun was a Gungan Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Dosun trained the Jedi Padawan Kosa-Yin Hadu, a fellow Gungan.

In the novel, the scene is left very vague. The book only says that "light and noise filled the little corner of the catina"; it never specifies who shot first.