That doesn't refute my argument, it supports it! Why would furries expect to be more safe than the general public, given those circumstances?
It, uh, has an apple.
[Hitler's diaries reveal lengthy passages discussing the premise of Idiocracy]
Why did you stop?
Pretty good for the guy who brought the word “fartknocker” into the lexicon.
Here, just use this:
Muffins are the officially-endorsed lesbian foodstuff.
They let him out of the server room?
That's a right bit of crumpet, innit?
I'm disappointed by the lack of observance of Good Fry Day this year, you miserable heathens!
Well, just wait 'til we get radscorpions.
Downvoted for making the obvious comment before I got to.
Lorne Michaels! Lorne Michaels!
Lorne Michaels! Lorne Michaels!
Oh, Lorne Michaels!
Did he drive a three-wheeled lunar rover?
The A.V. Club