
I saw the title "rediscovering sanity" and thought it was a guide for curing Liberalism. Then I realized they are beyond cure.

Still waiting for feminazis to condemn this. But they're too busy fabricating a "war on women" because they think some secretary gets paid 3 cents less than a man

Forcing decent people to do perverted acts is acceptable but trying to force perverts from doing decent is unacceptable. Liberal Logic.

Good for you, Rob.
Bless you for thinking on your own and using the free will bestowed upon us by our Creator.

WOW!!! Cold weather affects Football Pressure!!!. Who would have thought it. NOT THE MEDIA!

I wasn't offended by his art but I'm not a Christian. I can see how someone who is would be but it's simple enough though, if it offends you don't look at it. Same is true with Muslims. If they're offended by someone's cartoons, don't look at them. I don't like pretty much anything presented on broadcast TV so I don't

Am I racist for thinking that this actor is more black than the president?

Lies have speed, but the truth has endurance. This denial and bargaining is nothing but the death throes of a manipulative regime dying in front of the curtains it operated behind, the collapse of a microcosmic Babylon unwilling to yield to its inevitable demise. Let them spout lies. They are digging their graves with

Hey, come on now, you don't want to piss off the hippos. Most vote Democrat.

Brilliant piece. One of the best examinations I have ever read on Breitbart.

That's why lefties will lose the war.

Nobody is going to take you seriously because you are openly insane.

I kind of hope he was a convert. It would draw attention to the need for solidarity of values within the white community.

It really is refreshing to see someone here with conflicting views, but who is willing to keep an open mind and consider those of others. You're pretty nice. I don't care if we disagree, please continue to post here.