
Sure, but before this it was a picture of white people in yellow face. Progress is slow but steady.


Eh. Good for her for getting what she could from them. Too bad her special didn't live up to expectations. My wife and I really wanted to like it, and we watched the whole thing, but there just weren't many laughs to be had.

My pappaw always says to fish while the bait is fresh.

It is. They talk about Kinja all the time!

Hey this isn't the Kinja article!

I don't know that anyone has, but he's named in the credits, so he'd be counted as a named character for the purposes of the GOT deadpool.

Russians in Disguise!


Even I don't go there anymore.

Well, there's Qhono. He's the Dothraki who says to Tyrion during the Loot Train battle, "Your people can't fight" or something to that effect. But that might be the only spoken line he's had this season.

I'm openly rooting for the Night King to be elected President of the USA.

But I like breaking and entering. And soup.

I'm eating soup at Paul Scheer's house as I write this. Now I wonder- how did this get made?

How exactly do you know what the commentariat is up to between Kinja bitching sessions?

Does this mean Trump will ride a bike headlong into a semi truck with his arms outstretched like Jesus on the cross?

Sadly, I don't even hesitate to believe that. What a time to be alive?

You sure you're not mistakenly quoting his views on Mexicans?

No, they should definitely come down. Nowhere in America should we be memorializing men who betrayed our country.