
i have recorded 25 to 26 songs that i rote win i was 13 years young only one of the songs is rilly done but im still working on the rest of the alboum cheek them out on face book sound cloud and youtube

xD WTF 3. i think that i've finally free about beatles but now my favourite band play this, the next slipknot cd will be yellow subarine in the hell?xD p.S: i'm italian

Every single Avenged Sevenfold song is twice as good as any Beatles song

I watched this and got cancer in the dick.

i love it… is true people say crap about him but thans beeing spacial thas 1 of the reasons i love this! THANX 4 BEEING DIFERENT!?

Synyster Gates does a magic trick every time he picks up his guitar.

i love avenged sevenfold because i fancy the pants of synster gate xxxx

I was close to giving a fraction of a fuck.

its because he is an perfect angle that fell from hevan

Now can you please do a tutorial on cleaning a shower in 7 minutes??

I was checking out Avenged Sevenfold's Facebook tonight and I saw a post from their guitarist Zacky. He picked Korn's "Get Up!" as the #3 song to mosh to.

They do things like all the losers at my school ,yet are not ugly or untalented

Now come in Switzerland, Please

goth kids are two fucking lazy to be Anarchists.

Awesome! Vladimir Putin was a KGB member back then! Possibly spying on pantera????……

I'm goth…I will always be and always have been…I'm goth when I'm outside when it's raining on a sunny spring day…when I'm alone and triumphed over hatred…a gentle smile without words…only a memory.

If you removed all the arteries, veins, & capillaries from a person's body, and tied them end-to-end…the person will die.

so fuck good!!!!!!!!!?

your eyes are very very very very giant… \O.O/

this made me laugh so hard I was drooling, tearing up, and (dare I say) jizzing