This entire post is basically troll Thanksgiving. "omg bros i got on jezebel!" *bro fives all around*
This entire post is basically troll Thanksgiving. "omg bros i got on jezebel!" *bro fives all around*
What the fuck did I just read?
I wish I had said something sooner, personally. I feel like if I had blurted it out right afterwards to someone it would have been easier than keeping it pent up until I was 13 and then awkwardly admitting what happened to my family since I was spending so much time in institutions and it had to come out, eventually,…
I am very much of the school of thought that people who think these shirts are clever and funny should wear them, so the rest of us know to stay far the fuck away.
If I were to post an article trying to get people to share their stories of proposal, whether it ended in marriage or not, would someone share it to groupthink? Or could someone else post that who can psot stuff to groupthink? I'd love to see some hilarious, romantic, heartbreaking and awkward tales of marriage…
I hope James isn't too popular (I know it will always be popular, though) if I ever end up having a boy. I like the name James (not Jim, James) my husband have a deal where if we have kids, if the first one is a boy he gets to name it and if it's a girl I get to name it, second kid other parent gets to name it, but I…
What the hell is this?
Also some tops and dresses just fit better when you wear a push up.
Can we all make a pledge that over the next five years this graph will show "Ass Kicker" as one of the most popular baby girl names in the US? I'll commit if ya'll do. People will just chalk it up to the walking dead a decade from now, no one will know it was *strokes imaginary goatee* us feminists.
I was hoping this story would end with some avid reader pulling a birth book off the shelf and saying: "Let's do this shit."
I really like orange cats. They are so... orange.
it is worth mentioning my 16 year old brother in law has more shoes at this moment than I have ever had in my entire life? kids today are obsessed with kicks. He's got a pair to go with every outfit he has.
So... anyone want to talk about which facial strips work the best?
Kind of yeah, but you ever been around stinky cheese? In a crowded subway? There's only one person enjoying that shit.
I think this is kind of awesome.
The cheerleading squad is just trying t do what's right for Ally. After all, as women, we all know, "Math is hard!"
The eyebrows make everyone look like they're on heroin.