
Of course the joke is the absurdity of the whole, "One brush with pot and you'll be instantly and irreversibly transformed from a clean, happy achiever into a grimy, spaced-out looser" mythology and propaganda from the 70's and especially the "Just Say No" 80's. But man, it's easy to forget how frequently those

You know, of pretty much all of the Batman films the only one I'll re-watch is Batman Returns. I'm not much of a comic book guy, and arguably that is the entry in the series that pays least reverence to them. Really, it's pretty much Burton borrowing basic characters and story elements of the comics and using them to

Don't judge - guy's gotta pay the rent.

You don't have to be old enough to have seen it in its first run - it was a staple on "Nick at Night" for a number of years. While "Leave it to Beaver, "Ozzie and Harriet", and "Father Knows Best" are usually the most cited examples of suburban family sitcoms from the late 50's and early 60's that depict contented,

And by "The Stones," you obviously mean the fictional family depicted in "The Donna Reed Show."

This week AV Club introduces its newest feature, "Damn Internet, You Scary!"

From Imgur user jakethenord: "Guys I think Brynn is on meth again"

Gotta say, this one was most likely just a victim of bad timing - T2: Judgment Day was, and remains an iconic movie. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (this was really the heyday of movies with colons in the title, I guess), while supremely goofy, had the benefit of better name recognition, being released during Peak

Think I'll wait for the Mobile Fidelity reissue.

Everybody saw how nicely "Batman v. Superman" turned out after several, thick coats of the old "dark 'n gritty" were sloppily applied to it, so what could these executives possibly be worried about?

"Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen" - So were they working on a shot by shot recreation of the M*A*S*H finale in tadem with "Raiders?"

Yes, this is one of the quintessential, "Oh yeah, THAT thing" films.

Perhaps then the makers of Bates Motel should place a spoiler warning before each episode for people who have not yet seen Psycho, because if you watch that show regularly it is now very clear that

"It’s impossible to examine them without heavy spoilers; considerable [sic.] yourself warned from this point." Are we so enfeebled now that we need spoiler warnings in articles that discuss decades old movie series?

Yes, I think the whole notion of syndication equaling showbiz immorality and riches is pretty questionable now. With more brand new everything than you could ever hope to watch, all available instantly, why watch the same old show you've seen over and over?

And let's not forget his work as Knotts Landing's uber slimeball, Greg Sumner. Every prime time soap needs a love-to-hate villain, and that show didn't really get off the ground until he showed up, along with Donna Mills to play the requisite scheming seductress role.

I'd say the *true* golden age was a shade earlier - '67-'77, but I get where you're coming from.

I like Family Plot too. It's not the best Hitchcock ever, but he did make a few clunkers (Torn Curtain), and it's not one of them. One thing I've always found kind of funny: the two make leads Devane and Bruce Dern always flirted with leading man status, but never quite achieved it, and were often cast as a "Jack

The page that's linked under the name of the park has photos of some of the monuments. 20th Century Fox mogul Darryl F. Zanuck's apparently has a two paragraph long bio on it.