
Any plausible scenario about an armed right-wing invasion of Brooklyn would necessarily include something about resistance efforts being frustrated by a cadre of Bernie Sanders supporters, who demand a purge of Clinton Supporters before they offer their assistance. After all, the right wing invasion force killing

Any plausible scenario about an armed right-wing invasion of Brooklyn would necessarily include something about resistance efforts being frustrated by a cadre of Bernie Sanders supporters, who demand a purge of Clinton Supporters before they offer their assistance. After all, the right wing invasion force killing

Right, which is why it's kind of a no-brainer, from a business perspective, to green-light another season of an already successful show than to risk starting up an unproven one. At worst, you loose your shirt, which you were equally or more likely to do on an unproven product.

I suppose the equation is somewhat different when you talk about a show streaming on Netflix. But even if nobody streamed it, they could probably just write-off the loss on their taxes.

Ordering a bunch of episodes and having a show's quality (and ratings) tank would hardly be a new phenomenon. In the days of purely broadcast T.V., mid-season and summertime burn-off was a regular phenomenon. Then there were shows like ABC's "Grace Under Fire," never strong enough to sustain their own time slot and

To me, the 300 represents the sort of he-man fantasies of bygone ages ruled by real men who lived by simple, easy to understand rules of honor and tradition, and where swordsmanship is prized above wits and intellectualism - that one often observes gaining popularity and currency when empires are in decline. Which

Why are Huey, Dewey, and Louie's heads so oddly shaped? Donald's and Scrooge's still look mostly like they always have, so it's kind of weird they'd do the nephews in a different style.

The first two Bonds, Dr. No and From Russia With Love, aren't quite the start of modern action movies as they are an evolution of hard boiled detective stories (as is Batman, which is why comparisons between the two franchises are actually somewhat pertinent). Ian Flemming was a fan of, and sought to emulate Chandler

The Nominees Are:

Direct to streaming?

I have to say I'm kind of disappointed - I was hoping A.V. Club would go full "Shark Sandwich" and publish a review consisting of a single poop emoji.

You need to make the distinction between people who are just coming in to cop a feel of some expensive guitar they have no intention of really buying, and those who are actually going to buy one. Otherwise, (and assuming they're not damaging anything) what do you really care what the customers want to do with the

When I was growing up I always thought of the Apes franchise as just another corny old thing from the 70's, primarily because my first experiences with it were from reruns of the live action TV show. But these films really are something quite special: This is probably the only time anyone ever managed to build a

Do keep in mind that when this came out, Warner Bros., MGM, and Walter Lantz shorts of various eras were still somewhere on TV at most hours of the day. Every minute or so said cartoons featured a character being subjected to what in real life would be either fatal or at least physically debilitating trauma. By

AKA a Wiener Schnitzel. And no, the chain of hot dog joints actually has nothing to do with this traditional German dish.

Lando: Sit on it, Chewie.
Han: Wookies are known to pull people's arms out of their sockets for telling them that.

"[A]nd, more bizarrely, a Chinese used car auction site…" Not really, when you consider where the audiences this movie is probably being marketed to reside.

Michael Dobbs' Francis Urquhart is perhaps one of the 10 greatest realizations of a character from literature on screen, ever. He is palpably, frighteningly evil - the Prince of Darkness personified. Yet he, like Devil himself, he is perversely appealing on account of his droll, understated British wit. The scene in

Paul gave an interview in which he said that the song was inspired by a news story of a 17 year old girl who'd run away from her parents to live in swinging London. This would be very much in keeping with a trend of the day of adolescent runaways seeking what they perceived was a more "free" lifestyle away from their

Having just watched the latest PBS doc on Sgt. Pepper's, I realized a couple additional aspects about it which I think make it more impressive, at least personally: