
You’re right, they were recording from a safe area. On the other hand, they knew the earthquake was coming since we have a quake alert that sounds around the city like a minute before it hits Mexico City. Problem was that the alarm triggered the day before with no reason, so last night people was kind of sceptic when

Dude, relax. 300 feet is a football field. That monument aint that tall. They were back away from that monument. An earthquake strikes without warning. It’s not like they new it was coming and decided to go outside and see what they could see. They were already there, probably already filming the monument, and

To clarify, the Cocos plate, where this earthquake occurred, is not the same as the Pacific plate (Cocos plate highlighted in red, below. Pacific plate is to the west). Both are located in the Pacific Ocean, but that’s it. The Cocos plate is subducting under the North American plate. The earthquake occurred in