
I wouldn’t read Reddit on a bet, and I don’t own a fedora. You may wish to check the other number of things that “everyone knows” (read as : you think) that are also utterly fucking wrong. :)

I wasn’t sure if this was satire

I made my points pretty well about the Rothschilds, I thought. They are right-wing Israeli billionaires, longtime backers of the Clintons, intensely militarist, and quite active as lobbyists in helping create the massive surveillance state that persists in America to this day. Or were you not aware of the rather

I wonder if it was the same ring. There was a pedophilia ring that was busted between ‘88 and ‘92 that went WAY up the Defense ranks - I’ve seen stills of the newspaper headlines at the time - but this does sound familiar.

Love and kisses to you too. The First Amendment and accompanying American principles of freedom of speech are not there because people are going to agree with you all the time.

Yes, right. :) Any criticism of Hillary is clearly “conspiracy theory”. Just one big right-wing nutjob festival. You may feel free to ignore it all, because the Dems are just saints and never field anyone corrupt.

...who is a private citizen and has very little influence in day to day affairs in the running of the government an intensely powerful, ambitious former Secretary of State and First Lady with innumerable powerful contacts in government and on Wall Street.

I can’t disagree, sadly. We have had better and worse governance in this country. I increasingly feel, however, that during my lifetime it has been “worse”. If politicians aren’t willing to kill, lie, and steal for Wall Street and the military-industrial complex they don’t get past the primaries anymore.

How am I supposed to respond to “Fuck off Sergei”? “Please, sir, may I have another?”

Got a parrot in your back pocket? Who is “we all”? Who do you speak for and who here would like to announce that they side with you?

but you and I both know that this is about nothing legitimate

*pats you gently on the head*

Hmmm. Call me when she repudiates her quiet backing from the Rothschilds - one of the world’s most murderous, dishonest billionaire families.

...despite there being no evidence she actually did anything wrong.

As opposed to HRC, who is a private citizen and has very little influence in day to day affairs in the running of the government and can’t do much damage in the future  a former First Lady and former Secretary of State, who along with her husband retains immense connections and power among both high-level U.S.

Oh, I believe it. Indeed the sex ring was quite real - the headlines about the indictment of high-ranking Defense officials at the time are still available if anyone goes to look - but the Rockefellers seem to have made sure it never touched the Bushes, sad to say.

He raped the nation too.

Thank you for your ethics, Katherine.

Once again...
