
That is “you’re”. Do you hate immigrants and refugees?

GWB’s no saint, and he doesn’t get a pass for what he was responsible for, but if think I’ll believe you wouldn’t have him back in a hot minute if we could jettison *45 into the fucking sun, I’m going to call you a liar.

You mean “racist” like when Hillary and her husband referred to African-American “superpredators”?

Gosh! You mean I totally should have voted for Hillary Clinton instead last November - who has taken gobs of money from the Rothschild family of Israel, one of the most corrupt batches of right-wing billionaires on the planet? I totally should have ignored the fucking death threats that the Israeli right wing has sent

It has been the new normal ever since 9/11.

Liberals don’t give a shit about Bernie Sanders at this point, and certainly don’t see him as the future of the Party.

Done? Don’t be so sure. I’m a true independent at this point in my life. I didn’t vote for the Dems last year. I also didn’t vote for the GOP. Neither party offered me anything compelling. But the Dems are more likely to get my vote next year and in 2020 than your crowd as things stand.

I sure think it beats the Hell out of locking them in a box or treating them like freaks. Do you disagree with the idea that trans people are full human beings, deserving of rights, and in particular the right to run for and hold office?

First of all - Zuckerberg has always been an unethical, evil man. Look up the famous “idiots” transcript where he offers to sell early Harvard Facebook users’ data to his friend, calling his users “idiots” for trusting him. It’s why he sold a major stake to the Rothschilds - one of the most unethical, evil billionaire

Yes, indeed - they got me, Richard. :) Shame on me for getting fooled by an April Fool’s story that doesn’t state the following:

Are you mad because I’m claiming the media is dishonest and you’re offended? Or because you’re so deep in your own partisanship that you think I’m actually sticking up for Trump - which I am not?

Wrong on Federal requirements vis-a-vis Fox News yes - they do it to avoid PRIVATE lawsuits, not Federal requirements.

I’m wondering what this “fairness-in-journalism” requirement is?

Yes, it’s my mistake - they do it to evade PRIVATE lawsuits, not Federal requirements.

Don’t get *too* much of a set of rose-tinted glasses about writing for games. The industry attitude for a long time was very much shaped by Carmack’s quote:

I am not a Trump supporter, and I think his behavior is appalling. The White House is reportedly being run like a daycare center right now, and that’s terrible.

That’s great news to hear that progressivism can take root in Alabama! That’s about the last thing I would have expected to hear today. :)

These people are poor and they blame the browns and the gays and the libruls for it, rather than the predatory billionaire they elected POTUS. What more is there to understand?

You seem to be trying to reduce the entire issue to this notion that anyone who voted for Trump is just a bad person. That’s...lazy, at the very least, and likely to get the Democrats in trouble again next year and in 2020.