
I can dig up some screenshots, possibly. It absolutely happened. It is absolutely a problem. There’s been media coverage.

In Japan, there is also no such thing as “innocent until proven guilty”.

You completely misread my post.

...that doesn’t make the practice seem like any more sound an allocation of resources.

The current state of the American right is basically what happens when a lot of people begin to vaguely understand that our country is indeed deeply, deeply infiltrated and poisoned by plutocracy and deception - but are not smart enough to understand where it is actually coming from.

No - Cohen just pretends to be, variously, a fame-fucking and ignorant wigger, a Slavic immigrant and pervert, a swishy gay German fashionista, and a merciless but puffed-up Arab dictator. His stereotypes are incredibly and purposefully demeaning towards those he caricatures, and he has offended countless people. The

It would likely take too much expense to erase all the Tetris stuff from Tetris Attack to make it worthwhile to be released in the US

True. But when Nintendo wants to strip the license out of something, they waste no time and do it more efficiently than anyone else in the business.

The game in question is fundamentally Intelligent Systems’ and Nintendo’s, and is actually called Panel de Pon in its original incarnation - which features no outside branding, and thus establishes a strong precedent that IS and Nintendo own the game mechanics outright, free and clear from any licenses that they have

Holy shit, this is practically a scene from Borat.

Well, guess what - it’s not my job to serve as the door mat for your lack of integrity and your parents’ lack of capability to provide you with anything remotely resembling an upbringing.

Okay. :) Can you tell us all right now that you’ve never pirated a videogame? Not how all of this works, in my experience. I don’t meet a lot of people out promoting studies about how piracy “doesn’t really hurt the industry” who are assiduously buying games. But hey, it’s always possible - so tell us, truthfully and

No, you come off as angry and unbalanced because you pretend you have “real high-level experience in these things.”

Yeah I skimmed it and learned nothing.

Sacha Baron Cohen stereotypes Kazakhstani immigrants for a laugh: my fellow Jews everywhere applaud and laugh heartily.

I am from Los Angeles originally. Remember, this is a town that didn’t have an NFL team for more than two decades and hardly missed it.

Regarding Ball...

If it’s true that he overworked and failed to properly rest his stars, it’s best that this is happening now. Burning up pitching arms might get you to the World Series once, but it’s also a pretty good way to make sure it doesn’t happen again for a long time after that.

That’s a fantastic story, though. That look on his face is a great feeling - just about exactly the opposite of the feeling I got from 1,000 unfortunate glimpses of graying, deeply insincere NFL owners this week. That’s why we watch sports.

See, that’s funny - because “conspiracy theorist”, in its modern usage, is a phrase made up by COINTEL in the 1960's. It was in their planning papers. Go read about it. The intended use was to “debunk” people who (very rightly) believed the FBI was spying on and trying to bring down the Black Panthers. You may