
Because Mugabe as a spokesperson is a good look?

Which part of her activism for African-Americans did you like best? The part where she alluded to black “superpredators” back in the 1990's? The part where her husband got stereotyped as the “blackest white President ever” because he got a blowjob at work? The part where she took money for a speech from a company

You are WAY too angry. :) And if you don’t make games, then you do not understand why crunch time exists and is so crucial for this industry. Nor will you ever, until you actually try some of the work yourself.

I really hope that hardcore Bernie- and Stein- supporters have learned something from this election.

No, she is not all just a “victim”. She has made a fantastic number of deals with the devil to get where she is. She is dishonest, and was unkind behind people’s backs, and militaristic, and took money from very corrupt people while promising to “reform” them in public. And she lost the election because of *her own

She could have had the election in a walk, if she had made Sanders VP, or Treasury Secretary, or Commerce, or Labor, or Education, or HHS, or any of a number of other roles he could have performed excellently in his preferred capacity with...that of securing better pay, education, and healthcare for America’s youngest

And so their answer to unrealistic deadlines is not better project management but rather a crunch.

Yes, but remember that World of Warcraft has made more than TEN BILLION DOLLARS since release. Could be closer to fifteen or twenty now.

$10k per month per employee is the norm in *most* industries requiring skilled labor. This is not a fundamentally unsustainable model. AAA publishers with bonafide hits are making $100m-$1b off the biggest hits in the industry - they have plenty of money to make games - and the factor cost of making indie games is

And you should change your name to “Carrot Top” - because you’re a pathetic, mean-spirited asshole who is laboring under the sad and pathetic conception that he is funny.

And frankly, if Hillary Clinton can really kill sooooo many people and get away with it with nary a traffic citation, she really should have been president. That’s a bitch who gets shit DONE.

You ARE mad. About what? Why am I a “piece of shit”? Because I present to you information that you think is false and are angry at me for presenting?

Hi Jason - as a developer I think there’s a lot of reason right now to be optimistic as to the notion that great games will continue to be made no matter what:

One final note, though - one long-term option for companies to to start expanding into cheaper cost-of-living areas. If you want your game company to be in San Francisco or Los Angeles or New York or Seattle or Austin, you probably have to be paying $60k/year to your juniors - we’ve all read the articles on the

1. The $10k/month figure is an estimation based on a *competent* team. Your inefficient or badly managed teams will be running at a multiple of that, and they almost always end up failing to recoup costs. Of course it happens a lot, and everyone has a story - check out Penny Arcade’s Tales From The Trenches some

1. AAA content costs a bundle. This really started to kick in around the PS3/360 generational jump, when really high-fidelity models started to become necessary. Some studios found it cost twice as much per character model, as I recall, adding a boatload to the cost.

NOT an overestimation. I worked in the industry. Let us postulate that your junior coders/artists/whatever other non-QA intro-level personnel are making $5k a month in take home pay, or roughly $60k a year, which is pretty standard these days. Their benefits - plus incidentals on a corporate level (various types of

NOT an overestimation. I worked in the industry. Let us postulate that your junior coders/artists/whatever other non-QA intro-level personnel are making $5k a month in take home pay, or roughly $60k a year, which is pretty standard these days. Their benefits - plus incidentals on a corporate level (various types of

I honestly think this is a strong frontrunner already.

This. This is why they hired Scaramucci. You will never convince me otherwise.