
It’s probably legal to shoot me if I bring up Custer’s Revenge, right?

Make me.

Gosh, what a hot take. God forbid you actually try to debate on points and evidence and do some research instead of trying to be a late-night talk show host.

Truth sounds like “trolling” to lazy, stupid idiots.

No, I can’t - yet - so why don’t we open an investigation into it? Why don’t we open an investigation into the many deaths that follow Hillary around like a bad penny, for that matter?

Yup, he actually was. Does it bother you that my family had connections and that you’re a worthless, libeling pile of shit?

I sure am suggesting the DNC faked the results of coin tosses for her! Do you understand basic statistics? Do you understand that the actual statistical likelihood of six coin tosses in a row going in her favor in a single day, with NONE for her opponent, is 1.56%?

You, the group known as White people in America, the group that has never known what it means to be a minority ANYWHERE

You, the group known as White people in America, the group that has never known what it means to be a minority ANYWHERE

Why do we stereotype white people with the same broad brush?”

The election was hers in a walk if she had given Sanders even the token consolation prize of a Cabinet position, or given the barest respect to his wing of liberalism. She did not, and the loss was her price to pay.

Dude, you dropped this truther-sounding, non-sequitur implication in your second sentence. This is the level of stuff peddled by Alex Jones. It’s been debunked.

Maybe you need a lesson on the difference between facts and opinions. Lots of worksheets accessible here. Most are intended at preschoolers, but maybe that’s what this country actually needs to start at in the way of education before we can fix our country?

I’d like them both to log off. They both promised to investigate Wall Street and then took piles of money or hired people from Goldman Sachs - the company guilty of nearly every financial crime leading up to 2008, including selling airlines short just before 9/11. They both cheated and manipulated the nation during

If only the soldiers killing civilians in Iraq and planting guns on the bodies - crimes that Manning went to prison to expose, assuming she and Snowden aren’t just fictions invented by U.S. espionage themselves to smear the concept (real U.S. whistleblowers usually end up dead, and without all this fanfare - look up

According to the British, George Washington was a traitor. Manning and others exposed genuine, terrible crimes being committed by members of the Armed Forces. No, it’s not all okay in the name of “national security” - these things need to be exposed. Check your ethics.

What a bunch of insanity in this metaphor. This fake “War on Terror” has fundamentally unbalanced our nation.

In all fairness, SOMETIMES it happened at the arcades over Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct.

Clinton is clearly plagued by the question of authenticity. “What could I do to be ‘more real?’” she asks. 

Key was a prisoner of war when he wrote this. Do you expect the lyrics to be about flowers and puppies? How far do we go in purging slaveholders from the record? Do we take out Washington and Jefferson? Pull down their statues?