Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)

I see what you did there

Mike Tomlin didn’t play Foreman on House, that was Martin Lawrence.

All those years working for House gave Tomlin a keen wit

Sherman knows all about karma screwing up a season:

This has gone beyond “not liking” the guy.

Summarizing the reasons provided above for why this makes sense as “not liking him” is reductive bullshit. Those are facts, not feelings.

“But we ignored all of these warning signs for months in favor of bitching about Hillary Clinton not giving press conferences. We sure showed her!”

*by week 8. FTFY


It’s never okay to release anyone’s SSN and personal bank account information to the general public.

No, it would be the same. But that’s a fine looking straw man you have there. Maybe put it out in your corn field to scare off the crows.

I’ve never liked the “He was asking for it” excuse, but after seeing a picture of the victim, I’m inclined to agree this time...

I could argue that Kobe is the 4th best NBA player of his generation with KG (easily) and Dirk (definitely a stretch but an argument can be made) ahead of him.

That’s not even a Hot Take. It’s just true.

I love Tim Duncan and am saddened at his retirement, so in the spirit of stirring up some shit for no reason: if you think Kobe Bryant was the best player of their generation, and not Timmy, you are a raving madman, wandering the desert shoveling peyote into his mouth, lost in the grip of his own feverish

Skip Bayless, short-circuiting: The Durant signing has thrown him for a loop! He’s questioning his identity! He’s acting out! That team is going to implode!

“about damn time” -Steven Adams' testicles

I don’t think “Man Dies Predictable Death” is newsworthy, but whatever.

Too soon?