
They can never be to big, however, they can be to loose.

I love how people are saying this was already "available to the public."

@cmdtacos: How, by doing a Google search "USA most critical places to bomb."

@GitEmKelvarDave: How do you feel about this anywho, seeing as how, well, you know.

Before dying the creator was asked why he did such Hoonery, his reply:

*snark* Nub he's running last months technology. Everyone who is anyone already updated to the new model.

'Hey look, Google can do design."

They're playing track number 4 from African Beats Premium, my favorite song!

And here I twiddle my thumb in Miami,FL with my Evo 4G.

@CommodoreRake: It is ugly, or at least that version is. HTC Sense (what goes over vanilla Android) is great and makes it a lot more usable and prettier in my opinion.

@MikeHTiger: Yeah, because it would look pretty. Isn't that why we have architects?

@icelight: Wait, your first analogy is pretty bad.. the first thing has nothing to do with the other thing.

Now watch them sell.

@gburke: No, but I bet they had moonshine..

@icelight: They go hand in hand, don't they? You need a reason to do something then you can figure out how to do it.

Honestly, why couldn't the people just have put it there "just cause"?

Talk to me when you can make a perfect circle, amateurs.

Diaz, you're thinking about this all wrong.

@Saturn666: True identity? Can it be my long lost brother Racer X!?