
Who cares if it's shippable or not, just sell it via Steam!

what about m15x? :O

@celticleia: You misunderstood me. When a parent tells his kid, "if you drink I'll beat you up", he's not inspiring him not to drink, he's threatening him. By inspire I mean to do something that would make the pirates stop doing it out of their own will, not because they're getting threatened. I do understand that

@celticleia: and @all Thanks for your comments! Really appreciate them all!

Instead of punishing, they should invent ways to make us want to purchase it instead of pirating it. I guess people always rather punishing that thinking creatively, it's way easier after all. Lazy asses.

WHUT I can't pay with paypal?? Dangit...

@Shockabilly: u mean the girl? Yeah she's noisy! lol

I was about to be all judgmental until I actually read this.

Am I the only one that has been pronouncing "Turismo" wrong his whole life?

i personally would love it and laugh

Am I the only one here that thinks that looks like fun?

@CSX321: I'm not very familiar with CGI work that's why I wanted something to compare it to. Also, 2 and a half months? For that little piece? Not to knock it down (it truly is breathtaking) but it doesn't seem economical.

But how much work did that take compared to other CGI?

thats a good camera!


Also, Rosa, don't you live in Florida (fellow Floridian here)?

I like you Rosa but I don't like, like you, ya' know?

You know what I don't like?