Richard Cardenas

My only take away from this video is that the 51 yr old could’ve fucking killed that poor kid when he punched her in the head. I’m sure that wasn’t the poster’s intent.

He also said Bezos’s divorce will be a beauty. 

It’s still weird. 

Very honored to have my Trump Question of the Week selected for the pod.

Kris Richard absolutely deserves a head coaching job, but as a Cowboys fan I’m hoping Jerry will pay him head coach money to stay with the team. I’d fantasize about Jerry firing Garrett and promoting Richard, but I’m not THAT delusional. 

Has any NFL team had a QB as holder since Romo romoed that snap in Seattle?

If you or anyone at Splinter or any journalist wants to learn how to search to see what food the Bureau of Prisons is buying and for how much it’s very easy to search the site for awards. 

Ok, but at what point did she figure out the Mongolian on the street actually speaks Spanish?!?!?! Did she follow him?

Christmas lights should stay on until Valentine’s day. 

Yeah there is no similarity between a household and a Government and the comparison drives me insane, but this is a relatable point that a sane politician could use to campaign on.

John Maynard Keynes is the only economist I’ve studied, so maybe I’m an idiot but the idea of deficit spending during bad times and paying it back with surpluses when the economy is strong is pretty fucking basic and obvious to me. We’re about to hit our regularly scheduled decennial recession so maybe lets not

“We built the wall, Mexico paid for it and we finally have a secure border! We defeated ISIS and won in Afghanistan, because we’re winning everywhere!


You ignore the truely bold innovation of the elevator that AT MOST could allow 250 cars / hour to enter and exit the death tunnel. 

I don’t buy the $925 assessment. Those 3 items are historical artifacts of Trump’s grift and incompetence. I’m sure they’ll go for thousands. I hope the Judge make’s Trump’s charity give its assets to like a charity for Immigration Legal Services. 

Amazing. Almost better news than Drew tweeting that he’s not dead. Almost.

It’s fine. They’ve said he had an accident and will hopefully be back at some point. They don’t owe us shit more than that. He’s not the President, he’s a blogger.

“I was a Congressional Page in the House of Representatives. If you are not familiar, the Page Program was essentially a younger-paid internship program that was cut a few years ago.”

When I read the headline I thought to myself “Oh those are probably good for making my hot coffee into iced coffee when I don’t make cold brew the night before.” I do not like putting ice into hot coffee to make iced coffee because then what I have is coffee flavored water. 

Thank you for at least saying that Drew’s accident was nothing scandalous or embarrassing. The imagination does start to run a little bit wild, especially given his absence’s proximity to the Deadspin awards.