Obviously fake, not enough typos.
Obviously fake, not enough typos.
A new contender has emerged: https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/09/brett-kavanaugh-accusations-should-be-ignored/
I think short of 100% proven murder, there is any amount of violence towards a woman that Kavanaugh could have committed that conservatives and neo-cons would forgive.
It won’t matter. When the tapes come out, Trump will do a dumb tweet, everyone will rage, republicans will be silent and then nothing will happen.
He was literally the vote that killed the public option on Obamacare.
Krassenstein / Krassenstein
I remember looking at the Romo restructures like in 2014 and thinking “man 2017 and 2018 are going to be shit years” and now here we are. Always fun to be a fan of this really fun team that’s fun.
You forgot to shoehorn Lieberman in there.
People like you are only capable of seeing the world through a lens of selfishness and it fascinates me.
Yes, it is I the middle class office worker who is the problem and not the .01% of billionaires who have all the wealth and power. I truly have the power to control this country’s future, and I wield it in such a way to dominate this land.
No, it is the government’s job to take Jeff Bezos’s money and spend it on useful things like healthcare and public schools.
Free content idea: The Deadspin idiots make and eat a Breakfast Behemoth. Or that nasty ass rolled up egg rubber thing.
I’m shocked that it didn’t end with the “How did we do?” then a locked comments section. Obviously no one got Barry’s input.
What are you talking about, riding the crypto train was a great long-term plan that worked out well for everyone!
Its cops’ job to earn the trust and respect of citizens, not our job to give it to them. Community outreach is a fantastic way to gain that trust and respect.
God Omarosa is the worst opportunist in an administration of opportunists. She has these videos and texts and could turn them over to a journalist all at once if she wanted, but she’s slowly leaking and teasing just to keep her name in the news as long as possible.
Centrism gets you Joe Lieberman killing the public option, which was an enormous missed opportunity for the Democrats. At this point their motto should be “The Party of Missed Opportunity.”
“Sent from my Blackberry - the most secure mobile device - via the Sprint Network”
Goodell should hire Jezebel to define what a catch is.
It’s Pence.