
Aidy Bryant might be the second most convincing "adorable small child" in SNL history after Amy Poehler's Dakota Fanning

This was the best damn episode of the season. Didn't even have that weird pacing issue that came with longer episodes. Just solid throughout.

I'ma get whipped for this: Star Trek.

I'm still not a huge fan of the over-reliance on Abed and all the meta gags.

"C'est si dense; chaque image a tellement de choses qui se passe"

Grand Theft Auto. The hamfisted satirical approach to everything fails to disguise the bitterness and absolute misogyny that goes on in the Rockstar writing room. I've seen a lot of people defend the games by arguing that they make fun of everyone and it's all mockery, but that doesn't change the fact that every

To be fair, Miami Connection (which is genuinely one of my favorite movies, poster up on my wall and all) is less a movie that you identify with and more an endlessly fascinating cultural artifact.

It has a fine beat and is very of its time.

I feel like singing Prince Ali as This Is How We Do It somehow manages to do the herculean feat of making both songs worse.


Despite the whole deification of the victory (I'd say a phyrric one at that) at Gallipoli here and all the news outlets using "Russel Crowe came here to make a movie with us!!!" as a fluff piece, the movie didn't see a gigantic release here in Turkey either.

Well then let's say the surrounding CG enhancements kill the actual stunt work for me. That shot where they had the hacker go from moving car to moving car as they both spun around looked weird as hell. And that skyscraper scene was… kinda boring.

I think post-Fast Five sequels dove too deep into pure CG territory and lost that bit of spark. Also Furious 8 desperately needs more of The Rock. The whole screen lit up when he flexed out of his cast, crashed that Ambulance into that Predator drone and took the chaingun off it like some sort of IRL TF2 Heavy

Goddamn that was sweet. I think I have something in my eye.

DeCoteau could also bring that much needed homoerotic horror angle to the movie. Imagine young ripped men who can't act, constantly touching their inexplicably exposed abs while talking to Spacey and Walken.

"Dalai Lama's got nothing on me."

The only US state I've ever been to!

"U.S. entrants only."
Dammit. I really want headphones.

The original Fantasy Sports is the crown jewel of my meagre comics collection. I should definitely look into getting the re-release once I've got the money to spend.

Something something Tulip something something white blonde something something SJWs.