Im waiting for true justice. The next COTD will come from a comment on his comment, and he will sadly be cropped out. By the laws of the internet, this is the way.
Im waiting for true justice. The next COTD will come from a comment on his comment, and he will sadly be cropped out. By the laws of the internet, this is the way.
Pontiac is rolling over in their grave because GM had to “trim the fat” after the bailout. They’d take all of chevy’s leftovers and still make cooler cars than any of the other GM arms.
Issa joke. Something tells me people wouldn’t care so much if Jalopnik posted an article with an El Camino photoshopped next to a trailer. Sheesh.
When you said “the stigma of driving a caddy”, I confirmed that the G8 is parked in a car port next to a trailer home.
Exactly. I’m down to a single booster in the back of mine, but truer words have never been typed on this godforsaken website.
When you said “G8 GT”, I imagined it parked in a car port next to a trailer home.
The Ford Flex gets way too much love on this site. It looks like shit, and it’s not a good car by any metric. Its only redeeming quality is being a ‘wagon’ in a market undersaturated with wagons, but nobody’s going to pay $13k for this example of the species.
$13 Large for this thing is a little steep. Replacing the 20 inch rubber (which will be pretty soon according to the pic) is a lotta steep. The Flex always reminded me of the box that Escapes come in. Does this thing accelerate so quickly that you need codpieces on the rear-facing seats? CP for the price and the…
Minivans are absolutely massive. They’re as big a 3 row crossovers. If you only need a Rav4, they’re a complete waste.
It’s 600 (metric) HP (I think)
My apologies for digging up and sharing some interesting information with you. I hope that you are day isn’t completely ruined.
“Americas exotic car”?
I wanted to suggest an F-body since I owned an early 4th gen Firebird, but I assumed that it would fail the “not boring” requirement since I correlated “not boring” with “not common”.
I created an account just to give this star.
why speculate? Ford’s got you covered. from there press release:
“Despite having no experience working on BMWs”
All three of your answers aren’t quite right.
The proportions are hot trash. Why won’t anyone just make a 2-door pickup anymore?!