
I still have the “obsolete” 2012 MacBook Pro with Retina display. It runs chrome. It runs Office. It runs R Studio. All I need to get my work (epidemiologist) done.

It’s a longshot in the current political climate, but you should contact your Representative and maybe their office can call the Education Department and have a chat with them. What’s the worst they can say?

I was looking for a straw man, and you provided it! Great job, wingnut!

AOL How old are you fifty

Don’t end texts With a period What am I an animal

Nothing personal. Just business,” they seemed to say.

There was a strain of influenza Type B that was not covered by the vaccine and was going around. That’s why it took a while for Type A to become dominant. Since the rapid lab tests are designed to pick up vaccine strains, a lot of people had this flu-like illness that was testing negative for flu. That’s why this

Can you get me a deal on homeopathy next? I mean, since we’re selling snake oil and whatnot.

Can you get me a deal on homeopathy next? I mean, since we’re selling snake oil and whatnot.

Define... “load.”

Time IS fleeting... Madness takes its toll.

I don’t know, Beth. I heard some dude in Oklahoma took it for fourteen days and never developed symptoms after being in China three years ago. :-p

Psst. I got some snake oil I can send you. Send me your credit card number, expiration date and security code. ;-)

Remind me to one day buy you a beer and tell you the sad, sad story of Salmonella baltimorii.

“ which he claims to know the location of secret portals to heave that we can access...”

I’m not going to lie... As an epidemiologist, the best part of that movie was when Gweyneth Paltrow’s character dies.

Your application for editor of Life Hacker is under review. Someone will get back to you shortly.

A lot of countries around the world depend on oil for revenue. Oil goes down, their economies go down. Their economies go down, and dependent economies go down. And then it all trickles down.

Pfft. It’s Spring Back! When someone lays a trap for you, you spring back and say, “Aha! You didn’t get me!” But if you fall into the trap, you “Fall Forward.” Learn it. Know it. Live it.

I’m here from the future to tell you that Sen. Warren has dropped out of the race and is endorsing... (SPOILER ALERT)...

Age quod agis, motherbleeper.